I Would Like To Start an Entertainment Network That Only Plays Movies, Music and Songs that Offend Social Justice Warriors – IOTW Report

I Would Like To Start an Entertainment Network That Only Plays Movies, Music and Songs that Offend Social Justice Warriors

It’s not just “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” that troubles the perpetually offended, irritated, twisted and humorless left. Oh, no. There is a veritable network sized catalog that these morons have tossed on the ash heap in the name of their “enlightenment.”


The 1940 movie “The Philadelphia Story” opens with a case of domestic assault played for laughs — Cary Grant shoving Katharine Hepburn to the ground by her face while a jaunty musical score plays.

Eight decades later, the movie is clearly two things: uneasy fare for a post-#metoo culture — and an enduring American classic. And it’s far from the only example of such things.

Whether it’s blackface minstrel routines from Bing Crosby’s “Holiday Inn,” Apu’s accent in “The Simpsons,” bullying scenes in “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” the arguably rapey coercion of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” and “Sixteen Candles” or the simplistically clunky gender interactions of “Mr. Mom,” Americans have amassed a catalog of entertainment across the decades that now raises a series of contentious but never-more-relevant questions:

So if we’re watching “I Love Lucy,” do we consider how belittling Ricky (and most everyone else) is to her?

If we’re listening to the Beatles, what do we make today of John Lennon’s 1965 song that began with the lyrics, “I’d rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with another man”?

The “Charlie Chan” movies of the 1930s and 1940s seem today to brim with racial problems: non-Asians portraying Asians, fortune-cookie sayings spouted in precious accents and some broadly played African-American representations too.

Yet according to Yunte Huang, who traced the character’s history, many Asians welcomed the films at the time because they represented something coveted: a respected Asian protagonist who outwitted every white person on the screen.

The last paragraph sums up our horrendous misfortune of having to coexist with these “I-know-what-is-good-for-you” controlling buttinskis.

So while “Birth of a Nation,” the groundbreaking 1915 film widely regarded as one of the most racist ever made, is viewed ever more harshly as the years pass, a misogynist bigot like Archie Bunker from “All in the Family” presents a different story: Whether a successful portrayal or not, Cogshell says, it was intended to highlight a problem and get it discussed.

Let Molly Ringwald have the last word: “Erasing history is a dangerous road when it comes to art — change is essential, but so, too, is remembering the past, in all of its transgression and barbarism, so that we may properly gauge how far we have come, and also how far we still need to go.”

Remembering the PAST barbarism?

Hey stupid, I can show you a movie from 2 weeks ago. Very barbaric, and your ilk will learn NOTHING from it.

It’s a video of a girl being beheaded by “the religion of peace.”

Go f* ck yourself.


Who wants to name my new network?




47 Comments on I Would Like To Start an Entertainment Network That Only Plays Movies, Music and Songs that Offend Social Justice Warriors

  1. How about the good old tried and true Looney Tunes network. Bugs Bunny and his irreverent humor would drive them ape shit. And they all could go to Bullwinkle’s alma mater Wassamattu. Throw in some Firesign Theater, Tom Lehrer, Stan Freberg, the Marx Brothers etc. and they’d be totally befuddled.

  2. Should we start “Offensive Theater” Night where we show something sure to make the left’s heads explode?

    We won’t run obviously offensive material that was made to be mean and racist.
    But stuff like The Jack Benny Show, where the SJWs don’t even realize that the writers made Rochester smarter than Benny, would be perfect.

  3. For our musical selections we should demand that they bring back Dr. Demento. Some Spike Jones and other classics would do them good. Or for the more enlightened play music from Frank Zappa and The Mother’s of Invention. Hell, even listening to Doo Wop might do them some good.

  4. Actually i’m kinda surprised that TCM has been left alone by the Crazies. All those old movies would be offensive if made today.
    Oh, but Beaver my fine friend, they’re history!
    Yeah Bing, well so were all those statues the Left tore down!

  5. Another barbaric video you could show her: that ten-year-old boy wearing drag prancing around the stage in a gay bar. I wonder how the feminists would react to a video of a ten year old girl on stage in a strip club?

  6. Can’t think of a name. I might be able to think of an announcer for you, though, if I think hard enough. Now let me see….

    There are lots of old movies and shows that would be great to show even if they did not specifically offend the SJW’s. I would love to work for such an outfit.

    I had thought of the History Channel before the History Channel was the History Channel.

  7. Everyone should play PowerBall this weekend. Think of all the fun we could have when we had as much money as limousine liberals!

    BFH Network
    “I’m mad as h*ll and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

  8. I did some trolling last night and posted Baby It’s Cold Outside among other songs and clips of movies that upset them, the funniest being Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on a liberal FB group last night.
    One guy told me how hurtful I was and how inconsiderate I was to those who have emotional problems. When I asked if he needed some crayons or a puppy to help him with the pain I caused with harmless songs and movie clips he told me he had a service dog for his emotional problems which were a real thing and his dog was doing it’s best to comfort him.

    I of course laughed and told him he was making shit up, there weren’t service dogs for emotional snowflakes and he shared this link to prove it’s true and that I’m an idiot. FB put me on a time out for 3 days, but it was so worth it.

    He did though enlighten me to all the crazy service dogs today.



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