IBM Laid Off 20K Older Americans, Sought to Import 37K Foreigners – IOTW Report

IBM Laid Off 20K Older Americans, Sought to Import 37K Foreigners


Outsourcing corporation IBM laid off about 20,000 older Americans in the last five years, a new investigation reveals, while the tech multinational sought to import at least 37,000 foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.

A joint investigation by ProPublica and Mother Jones reveals that about 60 percent of the Americans that were laid off by IBM in the last five years were workers over the age of forty. This amounts to about 20,000 40-years-old and older Americans being laid off by IBM since 2014.

At the same time, IBM has attempted to import at least 37,000 foreign workers on H-1B visas since 2016.

Every year, more than 100,000 foreign workers are brought to the U.S. on the H-1B visa and are allowed to stay for up to six years. That number has ballooned to potentially hundreds of thousands each year, as universities and non-profits are exempt from the cap. With more entering the U.S. through the visa, Americans are often replaced and forced to train their foreign replacements.

Publicly available data reviewed by Breitbart News reveals that in 2018, alone, IBM was one of the top three multinational corporations trying to import more than 10,000 H-1B foreign workers to take American jobs. read more

20 Comments on IBM Laid Off 20K Older Americans, Sought to Import 37K Foreigners

  1. I hope no one has attempted to call AT&T recently.

    You can hear the cattle and flies in the background.

    I got put on hold to resolve my billing issue so that my Customer Service Rep “Jeff” could go take a dump in the street and wipe his ass with his bare hand.

    But, he couldn’t solve my problem so he told me not to text and drive and “remember to smile”.

    So I’ve got that going for me.

    That merger with DirecTV never should have been approved.

  2. At one time I scoffed at a book called ‘The Death of the American Programmer’. I think it came out in the 1990s.

    Not scoffing any longer.

    My experience has shown that hiring H1B people results in inferior code with terrible user interface and even worse support.

    This will all catch up with them when their platforms and their software are useless.

    But quarterly profits will be up for a while. Until they aren’t and you have no reputation and your knowledge pool evaporates.

  3. Just like the pukes at Disney, screwing the american worker.

    How does it make sense that the left wants a living wage yet they screw workers out of money every chance they get

  4. IBM [Immense Bowel Movements] has been pooping on customers and employees for years. And pulling fast ones on everybody, this time I hope they catch their we-we in their zipper for a long time, and it really hurts!

  5. First experience with an H1B programmer was her working on a daily sales report by product category.

    If nothing sold, rather than put zero into the quantity total, her report said “TODAY NO MONEY MAKE’.

  6. @PHenry nods, In 88-89 IBM started and has been doing it since. Saw their “platforms” failing with the introduction of the PC. Moved their manufacturing to Mexico while offering retirement packages to 40 year olds. Sad knowing the platforms have kept them going for 30 years.

  7. PHenry

    It’s just not Programmers, it’s hardware guys too. There’s a division of a major defense contractor thats initials are Northrop Grumman that was swimming in Pakistanis. And their final product reflected third world engineering practices.

    The Semi Conductor Capital Equipment guys are the absolute worst though.

  8. I still love the ibm I series. It’s as stable as a 1930 Packard. It just runs. Every time. You never have to it (boot) unless you do OS or PTF upgrades.
    And it does everything I need, including web hosting, java script, ftp, sockets…..

    It has kept me fat and happy for decades.

  9. @Dianny:

    My step-dad worked for IBM for decades. And in the mid-1990s he was “encouraged” to take early retirement. So this isn’t really anything new.

    But it sure was something new as of Feb. 1993. IBM had never layed off anybody ever until then. I remember it very well because I was on a working visit to either Armonk or Yorktown Heights (I can’t remember now) because I was a system management software designer / developer for a company with a ton of large IBM mainframe customers. IBM couldn’t get these whales to upgrade with new hardware until their management systems could support it, and so I was on the inside doing stuff a year or two before public announcements. (sorry – TL/DR).

    Anyway, I think it was a Thursday morning when my team and I showed up to continue our working sessions and none of the usual people were there – only a couple of Corporate HQ types who would politely not answer any questions about what was going on. It turned out it was the company-wide announcement of those historic first IBM layoffs.

    I’d never before nor ever again seen hundreds and hundreds of people in gray suits and white shirts and conservative ties walking around like the living dead. It was a remarkable day, and not in the good sense.

  10. This is nothing new, been going on for more than 2 decades. Back then we called it a merger of equals. If we had 500 redundant positions, at least 750 were to go through attrition and layoffs. Now that you were down 250 heads to do twice the work, you could outsource 20-30 heads to make up the shortfall.

    As bad as it sounds, 250 people kind of moved up the ladder. They were able to offload menial tasks to outsourced labor.

    However, quality was lost and then there was a scramble to cover up deficiencies. This led to more reliance on data that then automated more work and eventually laid off more people. Essentially, new metrics were generated that outdated the old ways that required a more hands on approach. Like balancing a checkbook, who does that anymore?

  11. About 5 yrs ago, I was at the Walmart HQs to install some server storage equipment. Just past the lobby was a rather large area that had 40-50 Indians at their terminals. I asked the guy I was working with about what I had seen and he told me that all the actual Americans had been laid off and they hired all the people I had seen (plus many more I hadn’t). Bentonville, AR is not the same than what I witnessed in ’92.

    Curry rice, anyone?

  12. @PHenry August 31, 2018 at 5:09 pm

    > This will all catch up with them when their platforms and their software are useless.
    > But quarterly profits will be up for a while. Until they aren’t and you have no reputation and your knowledge pool evaporates.

    STEM has broken your brain. You need some business classes.

    Quarterly profits are what matter. When the software becomes technically useless, your reputation is still sterling (look at all those quarterly profits). And an eradicated “knowledge pool” is a cost reduced to zero. Well, a very low cost, as somebody has to be the lowest bidder to keep the system(s) from actually dying. That’s when the entire operation is put up for sale. Hey! Look at all those quarterly profits! And the “super secret sauce” is included!

    The checks all clear. That’s what matters. And, as you’ll learn, should you take some business classes, that’s all that matters.

  13. It’s not just IBM. The new “old heads” start around 40-45 being considered for early retirement regardless of the segment.

    White men between the ages of 40-65 probably make up 10-15% of my company. First on the chopping block. Every time a woman gets a high up mgmt spot, they clear out the old guys and replace them with insert special victim status here.

    If a man engages in any monkey business with a colleague, he is fired and she stays. Stays and advances.

    Diversity is our strength. Unconcious bias training. Black history month. Hispanic Heritage Month. Daily Update messages celebrating Harvey Milk, communists, radicals, etc.

    This isn’t some local shitbox company. It’s on the Dow.

  14. IBM has neither paid reparations to the families of murdered Jews nor apologized for its crucial role in making the Holocaust possible- even though they violated US law to do business with Nazi Germany.

  15. @mrmittens – On the positive side, it was IBM that provided card-based accounting machines that the genius Dick Feynman used at Los Alamos to perform calculations that made the engineering of the first fission bombs doable in time to have their effect in 1945.

  16. IBM pretty much cornered the market on the punch card based machines- by often underhanded business practices, which Watson was a trained expert in. the man was devoid of morals when it came to business and slitting throats in order to dominate. no one else made a machine as capable as the Hollerith card punches and readers developed under IBM – until the advent of computers. the Nazis’ efficiency in finding nearly all of Europe’s Jews seemingly in an instant once Hitler gained power is testament to their capabilities so of course scientists and others would avail themselves of this resource.

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