ICE Accuses North Carolina ‘Sanctuary’ County Sheriff of Ignoring Their Calls After Calling for Dialogue – IOTW Report

ICE Accuses North Carolina ‘Sanctuary’ County Sheriff of Ignoring Their Calls After Calling for Dialogue

WJ: A North Carolina sheriff who has refused to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials but last month said he wanted to build a relationship with ICE has not made good on his word, according to ICE officials.

Mecklenburg County Sheriff Gary McFadden has refused to cooperate with ICE since taking office last December. In September, he publicly asked ICE officials to sit down with him to achieve a form of cooperation.

“This is when you sit down and talk to someone. This is when you come into town and say, ‘how can we help with that problem?’” McFadden said then, according to WBTV.

ICE said that McFadden has not followed those words with action. more

12 Comments on ICE Accuses North Carolina ‘Sanctuary’ County Sheriff of Ignoring Their Calls After Calling for Dialogue

  1. I honestly do not understand these sheriffs. Under W they would contact them and they’d be told they didn’t want them. Sheriff departments everywhere complained that they wouldn’t take them and put a burden on their counties.

    Under Obama they were basically informed they better release them or else and again they complained.

    Now ICE wants them and they refuse to let them have them and instead release violent criminals back into their county out of spite.

    During W’s term a woman who had been raped by an illegal who was supposed to be deported was let out of jail, he went on to rape another woman. That woman sued the Sheriff’s department and the judge threw it out because it was the Feds job to enforce immigration laws.

  2. A form of cooperation? How about you follow the damn law? This is as lame as politicians calling for immigration reform when we have perfectly good laws already on the books. Sounds like the Sheriff is issuing a “better play ball with me” ultimatum. BTW, I’m 90 minutes south of Mecklenburg (i.e. Charlotte NC) county and avoid it like the plague whenever possible due to the reputation of LEOs there

  3. Stop immediately any federal assistant in any law enforcement activity. Records access, FBI analyst and prison needs. See how long they can handle their own needs on their own.


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