ICE Asks Citizens to Report Suspicious Activity After Trio Tries to Sell Mexican Boy for $2500 – IOTW Report

ICE Asks Citizens to Report Suspicious Activity After Trio Tries to Sell Mexican Boy for $2500


Texas newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported on a terrifying incident of three adults conspiring to smuggle a 9-year-old boy from Mexico to Texas in order to be sold. Officials said Elida Moreno, 26, a U.S. citizen living in Piedras Negras, Mexico was paid $1,700 to use her son’s birth certificate to smuggle in the boy who was believed to have been kidnapped.

Moreno took the boy, under her son’s identity, to enter the U.S. through Eagle Pass, Texas. Once they crossed the border they stayed in a hotel before taking a shuttle to San Antonio the next day. When in San Antonio she was instructed to meet a 26-year-old Mexican citizen, Nery Dominguez and hand over the boy in exchange for $2,500. more

11 Comments on ICE Asks Citizens to Report Suspicious Activity After Trio Tries to Sell Mexican Boy for $2500

  1. That poor child. I still think about the poor kid in Iowa that was kidnapped years ago on his paper route, Johnny Gosch. I still pray for him. I hope one day he’ll be found and saved. What a nightmare.

  2. The new pet project of the left and RINO bleeding hearts is human trafficking. Never was a predominant issue ever in this country until Latino, Muslim etc (pick a violator nation) illegal invasion.

  3. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, Commie Dem, brought pregnant woman with husband and child illegally across the border, claiming privilege of power position. There was no proof of their DNA relationship, or if they were part of the kidnap crime cartel. There is a horrific crime cartel system going on in Mexico which I assume the Mexican President can’t stop. Just like Trump not being able to stop criminal Democrats. It is too long to put here, so catch it while its posted here:

    “Most Mexicans and central Americans are APPALLED by people who steal and sell babies for purposes such as this, and would NEVER DO IT. The fact that thousands of people have been stopped at the border since MAY ALONE, and confirmed to have stolen and/or purchased kids proves all by itself that America is getting the scum sucking bottom feeders (of the type that infest our government now, just ask Pedostein) as a primary component of what is coming across the border. Here is the situation in Mexico –

    I have actually studied this on my own, and hit corruption in the police forces that stopped any action on this topic – There is a criminal underworld that only consists of approximately 20, 000 people in Mexico, that has a system of taking people from the historic Aztec and Mayan villages and selling them on the slave market. These people are baited into leaving their villages (they are not usually stolen from there outright), they are instead tricked into leaving and arriving at destination (X) for “work and opportunities”. Entire families, including the children, husband, wife, are required to arrive at destination (x).”


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