Ice Cream Parlor Has To Shut Down After One Day of Reopening Because Of Angry Pandemic “Hall Monitors” – IOTW Report

Ice Cream Parlor Has To Shut Down After One Day of Reopening Because Of Angry Pandemic “Hall Monitors”

The Hill-

A Massachusetts ice cream shop said it was forced to shutter a day after it reopened after customers used profanity with workers over social distancing guidelines.

Polar Ice Cream Parlour owner Mark Lawrence told CNN affiliate WFXT that one worker quit her job at the Mashpee business on the first day of reopening.

“One of my best workers quit yesterday at the end of her shift. She stuck it through her shift,” Lawrence said. “But the words she was called and the language, you wouldn’t even say in a men’s locker room. And to say it to a 17-year-old kid, they should be ashamed of themselves.”


These assholes are going to miss being able to do this to people when this is fully over.

What we are seeing are the physical manifestations of the same assholes that verbally lash out on social media.

20 Comments on Ice Cream Parlor Has To Shut Down After One Day of Reopening Because Of Angry Pandemic “Hall Monitors”

  1. The first shots.of the civil was will be in CA when one of these ‘red guards’ try and drag people from their homes for ‘quarantine’. It’s coming.

  2. There’s a lot of anger out there that people have been suppressing for a long time. And it’s now taking all they can muster to keep it suppressed.

    Suppressing something without having a way to release it is like compressing a powerful coil spring, it can only be held that way until the force weakens can no longer contain it and it springs forth all at once.

    This virus thing is weakening the force restraining the anger and causing it to come out. We’ll probably be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing.

  3. bunch of nancy’s

    you should read the comments section on the hill web site

    it’s all DJT’s fault, maga supporters don’t know how to treat people.

    the same nancy’s who yell at DJT supporters in restaurants


  4. Hope the owner has a security camera system in his shop. If he does, he needs to post the video on a (his) social media, of the “Glydyses” who were swearing at the workers.
    The “Gladyses” can’t complain about being “doxxed”, they were in a public place, doing public acts.
    Explain that, “we are not open right now because of the actions of these people. If you know them, tell them how YOU feel about OUR closure due to THEIR actions. Don’t be shy in confronting them, they weren’t shy in confronting our workers.”


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