ICE is dangerous – IOTW Report

ICE is dangerous

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks ICE as a ‘dangerous agency’-

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has launched a blistering twitter tirade attacking ICE, labeling the agency “dangerous”.

“If you’re mad that I think people SHOULD KNOW when Dems vote to expand ICE powers, then be mad.

“ICE is a dangerous agency with 0 accountability, widespread reporting of rape, abuse of power, + children dying in DHS custody. Having a D next to your name doesn’t make that right.”

She then took aim at colleagues in her own party, saying: “Mind you, the same small splinter group of Dems that tried to deny Pelosi the speakership, fund the wall during the shutdown when the public didn’t want it, & are now voting in surprise ICE amendments to gun safety legislation are being called the “moderate wing” of the party.”

The comments came after Ocasio-Cortez made a speech against immigration laws and promised to abolish ICE.


17 Comments on ICE is dangerous

  1. This is the same dumbass who can ALMOST always tell, when they use fake dinosaurs in a movie. 🙄

    With a name like “Occasional-Cortex,” she’s a PERFECT candidate for a ride in an ICE catapult, over the TRUMP Wall. 😀

  2. Before she became a bartender, she tried waitressing. A customer asked for dressing on their salad. She folded a napkin into the shape of a hat and gave it to the customer saying thats the best I can do.

  3. With everything in the current news cycle, I’m worried as shit about out of control voter fraud. If 2020 is any reflection of what happened last cycle, they could steal this shit.

  4. Well, we know she’s just mouthpiece for the most rabid of malignant forces in America, if not the world. The words of this monkey are for consumption by the most ignorant and pathetic of people, like criminals attacking people wearing MAGA hats.

    Nonetheless, warped and stupid as she is, cortez must bear responsiblity for her words and actions. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the crime.

  5. This braying mule is Dangerous. As attention is on her idiocy, the commie bastards sneak around the ropes. Watch them. The blanket of idiot demoncrat candidates is the same.

    The right cannot afford tio think there is no problem winning against the idiots tossed on the clown wagon. They are just flack to cover the real battle. Stay alert.

  6. She has a degree from an institution of higher learning: let me tell you how a dumbass accomplishes that – by parroting the ideology that her professor wanted to hear. I saw it in college and it is so damn pathetic that I have to live in a country that has so little cognisense of their way of life circulating the drain.


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