ICE To Crack Down On California Gov For Harboring Illegals – IOTW Report

ICE To Crack Down On California Gov For Harboring Illegals

AJR: California’s Governor, Jerry Brown, could possibly be facing a federal conviction in response to his decision to harbor illegals.

The entire state of California has declared sanctuary, this means that illegals residing in the state need not worry about deportation from local law enforcement as police officers are forbidden from determining legal status upon questioning. That does NOT, however, stop ICE agents from doing what local law enforcement won’t and that is exactly what the director of ICE, Thomas Homan, had to say to Gov. Jerry Brown.

Furthermore, Homan is certain that Brown’s actions violate US law, and while illegals may be ‘safe’ from the law, Brown is not.  more

h/t Rudy.

19 Comments on ICE To Crack Down On California Gov For Harboring Illegals

  1. Wasn’t there a congressman working on a bill to outlaw sanctuary cities? What happened to that? And where in the Constitution does it say illegals have rights the American citizens do not? Either this will be dealt with by the DOJ or we will have a civil war.

  2. “He said he hopes the Justice Department will look into whether officials can be criminally charged under the statute.”

    I like Homon a lot! Given the turtle-ish behavior of Sessions, however, that seems like a big ask. Too bad.

  3. The problem with California that the people take too much crap from the communist and the socialist is time to wake up this criminals are damaging The state of California and the people and the USA .

  4. I can’t wait until the day comes that all this mother fuc that came to the USA illegally will be deported. Is time to send them home you aren’t welcome here. Go to you country and do it the right way . You come to my country used my system and call us racist. You demand free stuff but your coward don’t demand free stuff in your own country.

  5. It makes me sick to see this people protesting against the USA calling people racist, demanding free stuff, and all the time with the Mexican flags or Salvador flags . If we want people from does country to come to clean the bathroom we will send for them. But in the mean time this criminals illegal aliens can go home and clean their own bathroom.

  6. At 60 Billion dollars a year, democRATs will tell us to thank our lucky stars that at least we’re saving money on not having to transport it on wooden pallets to Iran or Venezuela!
    Gee Wally… whutta break!
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling Bullshit!
    Cut it off. Cut it all off!

  7. Trust me. No one would riot if Moonbeam got arrested because there are 3 more worse than him waiting in the wings to take his place. Gavin Newsome, for one. The Feds would be doing the CA Dems a favor. They’ll rush in their ‘Che’ in under a month.

  8. The Federal Government needs to stop all help going to any self declared sanctuary cities. FBI, Law enforcement, Air traffic controllers, and anything else. These cities harbor criminals that travel to other states commit crimes and then run back for a save haven hideout. Law abiding citizens are not protected from them. The governors of these cities and states are providing assistance to criminals.

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