ICE: Yes, 75 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants We Arrested Have Criminal Records – IOTW Report

ICE: Yes, 75 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants We Arrested Have Criminal Records

Technically, 100% of illegals should have criminal records, they broke the law when they “blended into the shadows.”

But I know what they mean. When they are first detained by ICE they are not pure as the driven snow dreamers. They are scumbags, just like Trump said.

Mexico is not sending the citizenry they are most proud of.

IJ Review -The claim that an overwhelming majority of immigrants targeted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids last week were convicted criminals is correct and backed by hard numbers, despite skepticism from House Democrats.

Independent Journal Review obtained a copy of the list of various criminal offenses provided to the members by [Acting ICE] Director [Thomas] Homan, which shows that Kelly was correct in his assertion that the crimes were of a severe nature.

There were 161 DUIs, 47 cases of domestic violence, 15 assaults with an aggravated weapon, 15 cases of sex offense/fondling against a child and dozens of other cases of sexual and violent crimes.

In total, 507 of the 683 apprehended immigrants had criminal convictions, on par with Kelly’s claim of 75 percent.

more at The Hill

3 Comments on ICE: Yes, 75 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants We Arrested Have Criminal Records

  1. Defund anything going to mexico from the tax payers. Now.

    Then start developing a tax for all wire transfers from US
    banks TO mexiceo.

    Either get their attention, or shut the fuck up.

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