ICYM the Perry Mason Moment in the Rittenhouse Case – IOTW Report

ICYM the Perry Mason Moment in the Rittenhouse Case

28 Comments on ICYM the Perry Mason Moment in the Rittenhouse Case

  1. I noticed the expectant look, shouting “what do I say now?!” the witness gave the prosecution’s crack legal team as defense was homing in on the truth. And it sure seemed the guy was having an epiphany that was trying to work its way from the depths of his miswired brain: “Uh, oh, yeah. If I point my loaded Glock at someone they have the right to shoot me before I shoot them. Whoa! Dude!”

    (I’ve noticed the new thing this generation of kids say when they are pointed to the truth is, “That’s fair.” It’s an insidious concession that implies a statement of truth or fact lives outside their experience, but they will “allow” it in. I responded recently to a “That’s fair” statement with “It’s more than fair, actually. It’s true.”

  2. Yet, NPR reported that, “He [Grosskreutz] acknowledged that he was armed with a pistol on the evening of August 25, 2020, but that his hands were raised when he was shot by Rittenhouse”. Seriously. That is the MSM takeaway from the testimony of the convicted felon, Gaige Grosskreutz.

  3. Here’s what I don’t get: In Nevada (and I believe this is true in all states) the highest law enforcement officer is the district attorney, because law enforcement can file charges, but only the D.A. can move to prosecute. Why did the LEO file charges when an investigation could have proven the charges wrong, and why did the D.A. move the case forward to prosecution when again, an investigation could have proven the charges wrong?

    This is OUR “Hands up don’t shoot” moment only in this case, it’s the truth.

  4. Progressive “justice” is not about right and wrong, it is about winning and losing. This is the reason that the progressive movement is antithetical and hostile to the Constitution of the United States of America, and hostile to American ideals. The followers have been conditioned to consider envy to be a virtue and the resentment that breeds compels them to view anyone who resists them as a target. They are seeking retribution.

    The entire movement is populated by subhuman pieces of shit who have consciously renounced and surrendered their birthright as a child of God, and of their own free will dedicated their lives to serving the force of wickedness and evil.

    What is more, I am of the opinion that it is more likely than not this one armed wanker was there as a FBI asset. He admits to 75 days of traveling around the country participating in these actions.

  5. Yes, I have a reason to believe this assclown is an FBI asset. He was pulled over and arrested, subsequent to having his chicken choker blown to shit, for DUI. His BAC was north of double the legal limit… and he walks.

    Gaige Grosskreutz DUI # 2 (10/6/2020) .212 Blood Alcohol

    Gaige Grosskreutz Finally Charged With Second DWI – Almost 4 Months After Arrest

  6. @Brown Eyed Girl

    You have to remember that the D.A, is a political figure first and suffers from all the repercussions of holding office. He is member of a political party and party bosses can influence decisions. If the state Attorney General is of the same party then he to can exert influence. But most of all he is beholding to the voters and if a narrative exists within the community, even one fabricated by a bias media, he has to answer to that. Even if he finds the case specious and without merit, the more gutless D.A.’s will punt, file anyway and let the jury decide, thus removing himself from the maelstrom.

  7. “Why wasn’t that guy charged with crimes of concealed carry without a valid permit AND attempted murder?”

    Not to late for that.

    Wouldn’t be the first time someone was charged for murder, or other crimes, because of what went down in a trial.

    I’m thinking perjury would be first in line, though. He has delivered contradicting testimonies, if I remember correctly.

  8. In Germany (between 1933 and 1945 – and again under Merkel) one could be incarcerated or executed for fitting an “archetype” – or never charged for a crime known to have been committed by the perpetrator if fitting another “archetype.”

    Apparently our legalistic system has adopted that “legal” standard.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Kyle is in trouble because he was in enemy territory trying to help people and for the crime of self-defense while being attacked with deadly force. If he didn’t have his rifle he would be dead, as in murdered.
    All laws regarding being armed are irrelevant when you’re about to be murdered.
    Because it is proof of justification for being armed.


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