ICYMI (because we did) Mayor claims she was hate crime victim after ‘yellow, sticky substance’ found on car – IOTW Report

ICYMI (because we did) Mayor claims she was hate crime victim after ‘yellow, sticky substance’ found on car

‘It ignited some fear in my spirit. My God, who would do that?’

The Blaze-

Darnell Byrd McPherson — the volunteer mayor of Lamar, South Carolina — said she was a hate crime victim after finding a “yellow, sticky substance” that seemed to have been sprayed on her car early last month, Newsweek reported.

McPherson had returned to her home Feb. 7 and told the magazine that her husband “went out to the car to get some things out of the garage. He says, ‘Somebody’s painted your car!'”

It was a “grainy substance” like industrial spray foam used to patch concrete, Newsweek said, and “looked like little pebbles.” The stuff was on her husband’s car as well.

McPherson told Newsweek she “likened it as a hate crime because No. 1, there’s a history [of racism] in our town of Lamar.”

In a statement to WPDE-TV, the mayor said, “During the 70s, crosses were burned in the yard of our home when my Mother was involved with the civil rights movement. On this very same corner in this very same front yard!”


Turns out it was…. tree pollen…. racist Trump tree pollen!


ht/ jd hasty

44 Comments on ICYMI (because we did) Mayor claims she was hate crime victim after ‘yellow, sticky substance’ found on car

  1. How do you know this is a “Hate Hoax”? Easy….

    Executive Director
    First Steps of Darlington County, South Carolina
    July 2008 – Present 10 years 9 months

    See how long this bint has lived in SC? Pollen shows up every year. SMH, sorry y’all…

  2. I am a victim of racism. Every summer some racist will throw a paper cup or other piece of trash in the back of my pick up while I’m shopping. I know they want to lynch me.

  3. I tell you- it is real, and it was a hate crime.
    All this BS about CO2 is a ruse. What is really going on is that the plant kingdom is increasing the CO2 and then they’re going to take over the world. They are done with us. There were signals before, my goodness you didn’t listen when the kudzu was sent out. Your lawnmowers and chainsaws are useless. The plants would like a cut back on the cow farts though, as they say they cause them indigestion.
    Yeah- don’t believe it- that’s what the plants are counting on. They’re insidious, and they are everywhere.

    seriously- if she ‘just came home’ and her husband noticed the pollen on her car, then called it to her attention and she declared it a hate crime- she must have driving around with that on her car and not noticed? Then it is a hate crime. After she just came home. The smollet offense, with an idiots defense as a follow up.
    How is she a mayor?

  4. She’s a volunteer mayor and an idiot as well as a victim (in her own mind). The incredibly stupid things she’s said it ought to be easy for this town to recall her to stop the humiliation she’s creating for this place. Put in a hamster or a puppy in her place.

  5. In these here parts we got them big black crows hanging around looking fer food. After they done eatin they crap all over Jethro’s truck. Granny’s been known to take a shot or two with her old double barrel. S’pose that means Granny’s a racist now.

  6. Just one more example of blacks exercising the black privilege to holler racism so they can further their career with publicity, recording deals, book deals, political endorsements, and TV and movie roles.

  7. So, allegedly, 49 years ago there was a mob action one time and this bitch is trying to pull a Jussie Smollette and get an innocent man accused of a hate crime that didn’t happen.

    She should apologize and resign. But she’s black so she’s allowed to be a lying, paranoid shitpig and still claim to be a victim after being proven completely delusional.

    A mayor who doesn’t know that pollen falls in the city stupid enough to elect her.

  8. Hey, it wasn’t White pollen…go bitch about it to some Asians.
    Holy shit, next time the racist weather drops white snow on these cretins, we’re REALLY going to hear about it!


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