ICYMI- Best Day Ever in U.S. History – IOTW Report

ICYMI- Best Day Ever in U.S. History

35 Comments on ICYMI- Best Day Ever in U.S. History

  1. Jimmy Fallon said the same thing on his show and all the white seals in the audience clapped and cheered.
    I imagine his audience in 98% white folk.

    I’ll never understand people who have it so good being so self loathing.
    People are brainwashed.

    If you dropped any of those ignorant clapping fools in a black neighborhood they would run for the hills as fast as they could.

  2. That worthless fat scumbag needs to be beaten to death more than any fat fuck alive. That truly would be a great day. Any white person who cheers on the demographic decline of white people is clearly insane or fully deserving of a hard Louisville Slugger swing to the temple. FFS… So sick of the degenerates we must put up with here.

  3. We’ve known for many years that the Left’s “Multiculturalism” was a lie.

    It’s just an added bonus when they publicly confirm what we already know about them.

  4. I was hiking with my son the other day and, as usual, we discussed our best guesses at what Michael Moore was eating at that very moment.

    At what point do you get out if the shower, see yourself in the full length mirror, and tell yourself “Gee, looks like I need to lose a few hundred pounds.”

    If his type is the decling white numbers, I wholeheartedly agree.

  5. Well, I didn’t select White on my census.
    If Liz Warren isn’t white, neither am I.

    As far as the government is concerned me and my family is Other, transgender mexican puerto rican indigenous quarter black hungarian.

  6. Noticing race- doesn’t that make him a racist?

    I was raised to think the only thing that counts is character and not the color of one’s skin. Oh well, those were the days. The New Current Truth is going to lead to the 2nd Civil War I keep talking about. We will have some lively times then. The left will see it as a “race war” (as they always have) which means Moore will be eaten alive by his comrades (I hope that day is streamed live). The Right will see it as an attack against Western Civ/our God Given Rights. We will have the best off all of God’s Children ready, willing and able to do what needs to be done to preserve our liberty.

  7. And if every white blue collar guy took 2 weeks off all at the same time, this nation would grind to a halt. No installation or repair of equipment, computers, buildings, etc. Forget about getting your car fixed. Oh, and those planes flying..guess again.
    Have a storm knock down your power lines? Want your air back on and your refrigerator back on? You’ll have to wait until the white dudes come back to work.

  8. Anyone care to tell that fat white boy that most all POC have no use for his ‘talent’ ?

    Another moron wanting the crocodile to eat him last. But you look so pasty and tasty, Humpty Dumpy!

  9. Last summer during the mostly peaceful riots I responded to the question: How could people have so much hate? It was obvious to me that what we were observing is a manifestation of self hatred being projected onto any available targets. Within a short period of time afterwards others had accepted my observation as valid and responded that I had hit the nail squarely on the head.

    I have sat and listened attentively for decades to the subhuman pieces of shit and if anything is clear to me it is that the embrace of envy has turned them into the nasty resentful ingrates they are and another thing is they think they are scoring additional wokey points in the shitbag of the day club for trashing the race they were born into.

    Disgusting pieces of shit truly deserve to suffer the hell they have made of their lives. I have no sympathy, pity is too much to ask of me, indifference to their suffering is the best I have to offer the worthless pieces of shit. I truly despise them, it’s hard enough to not actively hate them and wish them luck in digging deeper into their misery.


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