ICYMI – Color Description on Walmart Product Was.. uh… Colorful – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Color Description on Walmart Product Was.. uh… Colorful

I like what Terrence Williams has to say about this.

I follow Williams on Twitter. He’s a great conservative, recently given a shout-out on Hannity’s TV show.

10 Comments on ICYMI – Color Description on Walmart Product Was.. uh… Colorful

  1. I love Williams when he says, “If someone calls you ugly, and you get offended? You ugly.”

    Asked if he was offended by the Walmart faux pas he said, “why should I be? I’m not a nigger.”


  2. I thought that I was following him because I keep seeing his tweets, but it’s because all the other people I follow are re-tweeting him! I just fixed it and followed him. He makes me laugh every time he goes off on the left. Love him.

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