ICYMI (cuz I did) – IOTW Report

ICYMI (cuz I did)

Carpe Donktum’s latest

ht/ c. steven tucker

16 Comments on ICYMI (cuz I did)

  1. A nuther “debate”???
    Gee Wally, they sure can find enough ways to destroy the United States can’t they?

    No kiddin Beave! The Village People Idiots don’t have a shot against THE Iron Man!
    (now that Ohio State lost their bid for the word The, I’ll give it President Trump!)

  2. Wake me for the General Election.

    A work pal is urging an operation chaos in Virginia to vote for the communist. I feel that’s too clever by half. Although I like the idea of virginians, who don’t register by party, screwing up Virginia primaries I cannot pick the weakest of their candidates.

    Virginia democrats are more than qualified to pick
    their sacrificial lamb.

    God forbid that I meddle and, along with super smart
    Repubs, inadvertently help elect the communist.

    I don’t wish to cockily and inadvertently elect Sanders.

  3. @MJA I forget when our WA state primary is but on the mail in ballot you have to declare on the outside of the envelope whether you are a Dem or Republican. A lady I do pilates with (who is also a closeted Righty) laughed at that, “ it just identifies who to cart off to the re-education camps!” Darn skippy! I’m not voting in the primary here. Screw that.

    My early apologies for WA state ruining Trump’s 2020 landslide.

  4. I didn’t know that and why do they need to know how I vote. Screw that but I’ll more than likely still vote for President Trump. And till I got my mail in ballot the other day I didn’t even know that Washington had a Primary. My daughter tore her ballot up and filed it in the garbage can because she dislikes all politicians of both parties. It also just identifies to the elites in Seattle and Olympia who’s vote doesn’t count, watch for a lot of Republican votes to mysteriously disappear.

  5. I just looked at my Wash. State Primary ballot and you’re right that you do have to declare by signing your signature on the outside of the envelope whether you’re a Democrat or Republican. This is bullshit, whatever happened to my privacy and the right to vote for who ever I please and not for every Tom, Dick and Harry to see who I voted for when it’s in the mail. On second thought I may pass on voting in the Primary just because of this. Please bring back voting at local neighborhood districts/precincts like we had before 2004, mail in ballots are a electoral disaster waiting to happen. Idaho is starting to look better and better all the time and I only live 30 miles from there. They have you screwed when you declare your political affiliation and the disclaimer that you will not participate in the convention system of any other political party in the 2020 election

  6. Illustr8 and Geoff The A. Yep it really sucks.
    Even our own head of elections will not vote in the primary.
    I am going to vote for the Burn. Chaos.
    Dem dirty tricks is what it is.
    This smacks of vote harvesting come November they will have us all on record with names and phone numbers.
    How did this get put into place?
    I never heard a thing about it until this week.
    Also if you do not declare your vote will not be counted.

  7. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Similar situation for us here in California. We vote by mail. There’s a web site California has that you can pull up the status of your vote. Our mail in Ballots have not been counted the last three cycles in a row. Reason Given N/A. We demand a poling place this year, along with a lot of our friends. The powers to be know that 83% OF MAIL in ballots will be conservative.


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