ICYMI: DOJ Releases 500 Pages Of Mueller Investigation Memos – IOTW Report

ICYMI: DOJ Releases 500 Pages Of Mueller Investigation Memos

OAN: The Department of Justice has released 500 pages of documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election.

The documents came Saturday in response to a series of Freedom of Information Act suits filed by BuzzFeed News and CNN. The collection included recorded communications between key Trump administration members and summaries of FBI interviews of witnesses. BuzzFeed said new records will be released every month for the next eight years. read more

4 Comments on ICYMI: DOJ Releases 500 Pages Of Mueller Investigation Memos

  1. The Mueller report was good for creating useless paper…
    There are 18 Billion pages, still the Dumisheets are not satisfied,
    No President in American history has been scrutinized like that,
    Stop all the investigations, start hanging the instigators,
    Every dumb frikin Jack Ass in the house.
    When is enough proof, enough proof?

  2. 4/23/17: 5 calls came into day from same person claiming he saw Putin ordering Trump to steal the election from Hillary at a local IHOP in Burbank, CA. Caller only calls himself, “Not Adam Schiff.”


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