ICYMI – Loons Go To Dealey Plaza For a Resurrection… Leave Disappointed – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Loons Go To Dealey Plaza For a Resurrection… Leave Disappointed

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It had to do with a long dead would-be politician who was going to reveal that he was in hiding and was going to rise up to run with Donald Trump n the next presidential election.

Where do these people come from?

Brian Williams tries desperately to mainstream these wackos and tie it to Trump-

18 Comments on ICYMI – Loons Go To Dealey Plaza For a Resurrection… Leave Disappointed

  1. I’ll say it just like I did over there.

    There is no such thing as QAnon and you show your ignorance every time you say the word.

    There is Q and then there are the Anons.

    I saw nothing in that video to say that they were waiting for JFK Jr. Just some REEEEEEEE! from a UK rag.

  2. The democrats are literally staging fake “right wing” events. Virtually everyone in the crowd is a democrat thinking they’re playing their role in pulling off some brilliant counter intelligence move.

  3. It’s pretty sad that a city’s claim to fame is a president’s assassination…
    I’ve been to Dallas on a business trip. My host took me to Dealey Plaza during our lunch break thinking I must be interested. It was sad to see so many people there selling JFK junk, trying to capitalize of someone’s death almost 60 years ago.

  4. How are we carrying water for the left?
    The story is about how the left is desperately trying to tie weirdo conspiracy theorists to Trump, as if the outer fringes of wackiness is mainstream conservatism.

  5. A couple of us here followed Q. Great entertainment. Certainly better than anything on TV. I don’t remember Q ever claiming Jr. was alive however he/she/they did point out that JFK Jr and DJT were best friends. The rumors or claims that JFK Jr was still alive and hiding inside Trump Towers was started by a couple posters on the 8 Chan board. They were called out for it back when it first started. At the time it was pretty obvious that they were Libtards trying to start some shit. Well a small group of whack jobs took off as a group and this is them. Probably about .00001 % of the people that use to read that board. But it fits the lefts narrative as painting us all as whack job, tin foil hat wearing, domestic terrorists. Fuck them.

  6. So a group of red string people gathered and we’re supposed to believe there were no FBI agents among the weirdos? lol.

    Why does the left think I’m supposed to get all worked up about these people who aren’t hurting anyone, while their heroes are out killing people and burning properties?
    Bitches, please.

  7. oh good gravy.
    I went to Telegram and a group of Conservative kids I hang out with were shaking their heads about this. Turns out, the guy who organized this JFK trip told his followers (and I mean followers) that he doesn’t know why God chose not to have JFK show up. Because God’s ways and thoughts are not our ways and he’s doing miraculous things we can’t see.

    I mean, really!? Blaming the All-Mighty?


    These poor people.
    I wonder how much cash he stole from them.


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