ICYMI: Minneapolis To Reduce Police Psych Testing After Screening Out Too Many Minorities – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Minneapolis To Reduce Police Psych Testing After Screening Out Too Many Minorities

That has already been happening under Rahm’s Chicago-
Rahm has already been directing his HR people to hire anyone with a pulse and we’ve seen
  •  recruit with Tourettes,
  • a guy who had to have two targets downrange in order to hit something his lane,
  • one who couldn’t walk without a cane,
  • a drunk who made it to graduation day, but was too plastered to shake hands with the mayor,
  • another aiming a gun at another recruit over an argument
Nice hiring practices Rahm.

Daily Caller:  [December 15th, 2017] The city of Minneapolis may fire its police psychology evaluator because his tests screened out too many minority candidates, despite already lowering psych evaluations far below the national standard.

Anti-Sharia Protest— Minnesota.

The July police shooting of Justine Damond triggered the city to scrutinize its psychological standards for police, with many claiming they’d become lax. Psychiatrist Thomas Gratzer has run psych testing for the Minneapolis police for the past five years, and in that time, he has eliminated four of the five tests used to determine whether a candidate is fit to be an officer, APM reported Thursday. Now, Gratzer is facing firing not for gutting his standard, but for screening out too many minorities.  more here

21 Comments on ICYMI: Minneapolis To Reduce Police Psych Testing After Screening Out Too Many Minorities

  1. What could go wrong with that lowered standard. It reminds me of two Kurt Schlichter books; PEOPLES’ REPUBLIC and INDIAN COUNTRY. The ‘police’ in those books are actual criminals and thugs.

  2. Back in the before times, the San Francisco Orchestra would screen the applicants by having them play behind a curtain so the judges couldn’t see them, just hear them. Today, there is no curtain because the orchestra promotes diversity. That is the most important thing. This story reminds me of that.

  3. As long as they’re loyal to the Party.

    “Minority” is just the cover.

    Cops based on Party Affiliation? What could possibly be wrong with that?
    Echoes of the past – but, of course, “history is bunk.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Every city and the federal government over the last 50 years have dumbed down or eliminated their civil service tests because minorities could not pass them.

    More than anything, this explains why govvernment services have declined so miserably.

  5. Minneapolis PD is attempting to have their Police Force reflect the population they serve. Standards must be lowered.

    Multi national, culturally diverse, unskilled, uneducated, mentally unstable, social justice warriors need only to apply.

  6. Whatever happened to that muzzie cop who killed the blonde lady because he was “startled”? That happened just before I moved and I haven’t heard anything since. I hope they at least moved him to a desk job.

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