ICYMI – Soaring Valor – IOTW Report

ICYMI – Soaring Valor

ht/ kpark

11 Comments on ICYMI – Soaring Valor

  1. That was beautiful. Most of the “old folks” that are around today have survived and thrived through things that many people these days can’t even imagine. I’m afraid we’ll need to borrow some of the spirit that these fine men have shown in their lives if we are to preserve our unique experiment in self government for future generations.

  2. i know this is about our wonderful ww2 vet, and god bless them, i wish my dad could have gone before he left us

    but this sinise dude, what a fantastic guy, so genuinely dedicated to the vets of today and yesterday

    sinise has set the bar high and a great example for others to hopefully follow

    this guy is selfless

  3. That was great. No Obama voters in that crowd!

    “There is a profound, moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to liberate. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.”

    Every time I hear a Quote from Ronald Reagan I think about how much this country misses him and desperately needs someone like him again! The world was a far, far better place with the conviction of peace through strength and his moral leadership.

  4. Instead of them teaching the 5 pillars of islam, about the poor palestinians, and how boy’s should be able to use the girls bathroom, they should be teaching about what freedom is. Not only what it really is, but the cost and sacrifice of those before use to ensure our freedoms of today. Without these men, and women, you would not have this website, and i would not be able to freely express my approval of it.
    Thank you for posting this. Now lets load up all these kids who have no idea what ww2 is, and take them to this museum and explain it to them while there are a couple hundred ww2 vets there for them to see and talk to.

  5. I was fortunate to have many Heroes in My life.
    Dad, a WWII pacific Marine, those Marines, Army and Naval personnel he served with.
    So few remain on this earth.
    This Nation and citizens miss their presence.
    God Bless them.

  6. We visited the WWII Museum in NOLA a few years ago. DH was really taken when he saw a vehicle at the museum that was the same type that his dad drove during the war. I think we have a photo.

    DH’s dad painted DH’s name on his vehicle and he spoke about it in daily letters between his parents. Dad would send back Mom’s letters along with Dad’s letters so the complete set exists. DH didn’t meet Dad till he was 3.

    The movie mentioned in this video was great. Wonder if the movie is available for schools, etc.

    If you get to the museum, make sure you go to the 40’s John Besh run cafe and get some grits, and the foot long hot dog. I didn’t think too much of grits until I ate them there. Secret: cooked with heavy cream, jalapenos, and topped with cheddar.

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