ICYMI: The Editor-At-Large at the Atlantic Tweeted This Out During the Debate – IOTW Report

ICYMI: The Editor-At-Large at the Atlantic Tweeted This Out During the Debate

This got the Left and NeverTrump (they are in bed together) wet in their collective panties.

Of course, when Mike Pence tweeted out his congratulations to Trump for a job well done, right after the debate, they all had egg on their collective goofy faces.

It still comes down to this, morons:

It’s either Hillary or Trump as president in 2016, and if anyone on the right is helping Hillary win, by not voting for her opposition, they should drop the hell dead.

11 Comments on ICYMI: The Editor-At-Large at the Atlantic Tweeted This Out During the Debate

  1. The reason killery is always shouting “fact check! fact check!” is because all the so-called “fact checkers” are progtard sites who twist the facts and declare her lies “true” and Trump’s facts “false.” Look them up to see for yourself. It would be funny except that people believe them.

  2. Just heard on the local news that hilly will be at my alma mater today (Wayne State University, Detroit). Now, normally the “crowd” she draws is between 10 and 200 persons, but not today–no way! She’ll finally have thousands (circulating about) to “come see her”!! Fact-checkers, unite! Yay!

  3. I don’t believe anything from liberal news sources until I see it come out of that person’s mouth. I saw Ben Carson last night on Fox Bus after debate, talk about a guy carrying Trump’s water.

  4. Good riddance if Pence went away. I’ve got no interest in somebody being one heartbeat away from the ability to go to war with Russia to protect muzzies from muzzies.

    He is for Trump what Bush was for Reagan, a neocon snake under the bed.

  5. once again!
    I am not voting for Trump to keep hillary out of the white house.
    (I shouldn’t have to, she should be in prison)
    I am voting to place Trump in the white house because he is not a professional politician, he is an astute businessman, he loves the country and he scares the bejesus out of the establishment!

  6. This is going to be one of those days where Erick Erick Erickson has a substitute do his radio show, because he’s busy setting up his next Trump backstab confab.

    And if he does show up on air, in “real-time” as they say, he’ll ignore the debate and talk about local politics and down-ticket races. He is one shifty divinity student.

  7. When The Atlantic endorsed Hitlery, I commented a partial list of her corrupt, illegal activities.
    They countered with, “..80% of the money donated to the Clinton Foundation goes directly to charities….”

    Reality is not a reality for them.

  8. Did a fast look up on charity ratings for the Clinton Foundation. Obviously some sites are better than others when it comes to objectivity.

    Charity Watch – not listed
    Charity Navigator – four star rating
    Guide Star – platinum rating
    Give.org – standards not met
    Givewell.orf – not listed
    Great Nonprofits.org – one review listed:
    Had a fantastic experience working with this foundation. Each year I helped manage the Billy Clinton Cigar Fundraising Extravaganza…

  9. Cig94, I’ve tried (several times over the past year) to get info on the Clinton Fnd. from Charity Navigator–no info or ratings have ever been available, yet you found 4 stars. Curious, no?

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