ICYMI- Trump Banner At Baseball Game – IOTW Report

ICYMI- Trump Banner At Baseball Game

An usher happens to have a folding knife on him and pulls it out to “cut a banner down” from a railing. But the banner appears to have already been pulled back over the railing.

The Trump supporters believe the knife was pulled as intimidation.

All I know is that Trump imagery seems to bring out the fascist and intolerance in people who believe anything they do to a Trump supporter is fair game.

21 Comments on ICYMI- Trump Banner At Baseball Game

  1. I’d be pressing charges against that usher that pulled the blade … totally uncalled for & had the potential to seriously hurt someone … they have the right to kick these people out for ‘policy’, but that was an inexcusable move. glad no one was hurt because of his actions.

    otoh … the amount of gross obesity we have in this country is truly astounding … people no longer have sense of decency, decorum, taste, shame or morality (& I don’t mean the gal in pink; just scan the crowd)
    … & any company that ‘processes’ food (all of them, including restaurants & fast food) are criminally complicit

    (apologies for going off-topic)

  2. PHenry, this is a good example of why being a 24 year old LEO shouldn’t be enough to qualify you for running for the House of Representatives. And the POS that pulled a knife should have been arrested. This comment goes back to that cute 26 year old running for Congress in a previous post.

  3. I can’t hang the banner over the railing? SHOW ME the written policy, printed, in clear language. Your “say so” ain’t good enough. Ditto for the cop writing the ticket. On what lawful written grounds are you writing me a ticket? Challenge it at a court appearance before a judge. Make them WORK for their blood money!
    As for that bloated whale of a rent-a-cop that pulled the knife, make him (in)famous. Broadcast that video far and wide, all over social media. And any time you see him, at the stadium or on the street, start hollering, “KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME! I’M AFRAID HE’LL PULL A KNIFE ON ME. HE’S DONE IT BEFORE TO MY FRIEND!”

  4. Monkey!
    What the fuck are you talking about?! They are not vindicated, that quote security guard should have been arrested.

    The deputies are complicit in this whole thing.

    that type of thinking is a losing type of thinking.

  5. This needs to go viral. I will be sending it to my local news, that tend to almost center, and I will ask for comment.

    If they don’t show it, I will be a burr in their saddle.

    You need to do the same. And if that security guard is not arrested, this thing needs to blow up. This is how Trump supporters are treated, even though we have a majority.


  6. That fat knife pulling rent a cop was almost shaking with the adrenaline after his big bust.
    Close quarters, arms around a woman, other people in the fray and he pulls a knife?
    Granted those people knew they would be asked to leave when they planned to put the banner up but they did not plan on having a bunch of retired fat guys almost push them over the rail and almost stab them.
    The Sheriff deputies were probably taking the black shirts’ side because they enjoy the free games.

  7. If the team / stadium has a policy against political banners, and they enforce it evenly, then they have the right to remove it. However, pulling a lethal weapon? Not cool.

    As for Joe and his detractors, have we become twitter or facebook here? Let it go. We don’t always agree, and that is a good thing

  8. One more example of a privileged white she devil abusing a black man

    BTW, Phoenix is getting less red all the time. The Reds have migrated to the suburbs of Glendale, Chandler and Mesa


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