ICYMI- Who said this? – IOTW Report

ICYMI- Who said this?

“Here’s a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.”


I could have easily avoided this story, but that would be a lefty move, where they spike all stories that puts their side in a bad light.

I can’t help but run it because it actually made me knit my brow for a second.

Sorry if this offends any fans of this politician, but this was chuckle inducing.

27 Comments on ICYMI- Who said this?

  1. ““Here’s a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.”

    It could be any of the idiots with an R or a D behind their name. They don’t get it. That’s why we needed Trump.

  2. The thing is, with modern advertising and promotion and merchandising, it happens the way Perry describes.

    Remember that is the heart of entrepreneurship to correctly forecast future demand and the prices future buyers will pay. Sometimes, the entrepreneur invests to produce something buyers do not currently know they will want. Ask yourself how innovation and new products get introduced to the market.

  3. There are two principle political potties: Dhimmicretins and Rebublicretins. They both have so much in common. The most notable is a profound egocentricism coupled with a basic ignorance of Economics.

  4. With your build-up my guess is Ronald Reagan. He would have been speaking about the entire economy not a single product and an increased supply would lower prices (and inflation) so maybe he took a short cut, but not entirely wrong.

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