ICYMI:Tajikistan- Too Much Cousin Love Could Be Causing Birth Defects – IOTW Report

ICYMI:Tajikistan- Too Much Cousin Love Could Be Causing Birth Defects

Radio Free Europe: People in Tajikistan love their families, and it is threatening to destroy the nation.


That’s the reasoning behind growing calls to ban marriages between first cousins, a long-standing practice that is common throughout the Central Asian country.

Proponents of the ban argue that the offspring of consanguineous marriages, or marriages between blood relations, run higher rates of birth defects and genetic illnesses that could ultimately prove to be the nation’s undoing.

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25 Comments on ICYMI:Tajikistan- Too Much Cousin Love Could Be Causing Birth Defects

  1. islam has no regard for life, particularly the disabled.

    They’ll make good home grown suicide bombers for the islamic jihad. Don’t have to train ’em, just belt ’em up when they get of age and put them on a bus, truck or in a market.

  2. actually … first-cousin marriage is allowed in 19 states & the District of Columbia

    but not in Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana or Texas

    ….go figure

  3. Inbreeding in small US Amish communities is bad enough. Hospitals in these areas see more than their fair share of multiple severe birth defects due to Amish cousin marriage. At least the Amish pay their own medical bills.

    As the Moslem-in-Chief imports more and more of his own kind the cost to the US health care system and social services will be horrendous. 10th generation inbred mutants. This is the one and only contribution these cretins will be making to the US. No wonder Moslem countries produce little in the way of medical, scientific discoveries and no wonder the IQ’s are bottom of the barrel.

  4. This is news? In the UK, Muslims, especially Pakistanis, account for almost 45% of all children born with congenital birth defects and mental retardation. The reason? Most of them marry a first or second cousin.

  5. It’s not surprising in that “culture”, when you consider that women are not allowed to been seen as other than walking baggies, and aren’t allowed to be with other men other than with a male relative (husband, brother, son). The “men” don’t get to see any other women, so who else are they going to marry?
    What you are seeing is the culmination of 1400 years of inbreeding. With all the low IQ, anger, and being easily led into poor life decisions (BOOM!) that comes with it.

  6. The neighboring Afghans do it also.
    They have an extremely high number
    of Schizophrenics as one of the results.
    Lots of those are always seeing allah
    and strapping on bombs.

  7. What about areas like Chicago where maybe 1 in 10 people know with any level of certainty who their father is?
    Breeding with ones own half sister has to be common.
    It would certainly explain the rapid descent from human to animal that is occurring there and elsewhere.

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