Identity Of Texas Outlet Mall Shooter Revealed – IOTW Report

Identity Of Texas Outlet Mall Shooter Revealed

KEIB: The gunman who opened fire at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, on Saturday (May 6) has been identified as 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia. Garcia killed eight people and wounded seven others before he was shot and killed by a police officer. more

29 Comments on Identity Of Texas Outlet Mall Shooter Revealed

  1. I would put more trust in the ‘information’ if they released the manifesto of the tranny that killed 3 kids and 3 adults in Nashville.

    But who am I kidding – they only release information like this that helps their cause.

  2. Mexican dude with Mexican prison gang tattoo drives 25 miles Northeast of his home in mostly ethnic Dallas, TX to mostly white Allen, TX to shoot and kill white people, and the filthy, stinking, evil, demonic MSM claims right off the bat that the guy was motivated by “white supremacist” beliefs.

    The democrats want white people murdered, and then they will blame white people for their own genocide just to rub your faces in it.

    Prepare accordingly.

  3. BTW, we are right smack in the middle of a color revolution. We will be 1990s Yugoslavia on steroids in no time flat at thus rate. The democrats are communists with a Helter Skelter agenda right out of the mind of Charlie Manson. They are stoking a non-white on white race war, but they’re not bothering to tell whitey about it. And they’ve got legions of brainwashed white midwits helping to plan, fund, arrange, and execute their own genocide.

  4. “According to NBC News, Garcia viewed neo-Nazi and white supremacist content on social media and was wearing a patch with a “right-wing acronym” when he was killed.”

    Really? So what was the supposed “right-wing acronym” he was wearing? And the white-supremacist content in social media? I view some left-wing content, but I am as far from a progressive.

    I expected no better from MSDNC.

  5. The White-wing acronym he was wearing was “BVD” written on his underwear.

    There is a shopping center around here that has signs that say that guns are prohibited and that they have gun-sniffing dogs to catch people with guns. I would be tempted to go to the range and shoot, then take my gun home, then go to the mall. If the dog comes and sniffs me if will sue the living shit out of them.

    There is another mall in the area that has become a shooting gallery. That is not because law-abiding people bring their guns there, but rather because gangbangers go there to settle their differences. Heaven forbid we actually do anything to control the gangbangers.

  6. @Jethro
    AT 12:26 PM
    “Discharged from the Army in 2008 because of “mental health issues”.

    And did the Army bother to notify the FBI so when he went to purchase a gun, he would be denied? Bet not.

  7. George Zimmerman anyone? That’s when they started the whole white/Hispanic bullshit.

    This ludicrous brown on the outside but white on the inside horse crap is so typical. Only the CIA narrative matters.

    You can’t win the argument so just change the terms of reality. I guess if a dude can be a chick or global cooling suddenly becomes global warming which become climate change.

    These inspid fuckers cannot be reasoned with. Every end justifies the means with these pinko shitheads.

    So an obvious white hating murdering brown skinned racist is suddenly a white supremist.

    Those poor families, just like the Hispanics that killed 7 young kids at a slumber party.

    Both illegals, both imported by the Demonrat party. Evil, Satanic, scum.

    Hell is waiting for all these Lucifer loving garbage people.

  8. Another MK mind dude? Too bad he didn’t change his mind. They need more dead innocent to achieve their goal, the 2A.
    We need the list of the number and percentage of SSRI induced shooters now.

  9. Just a fellow brother far-right exercising his love of guns.
    RWDS Right Wing Death Squad.
    Texas on track to be the nation’s mass shooting capital.

  10. Some places one knows where not be when the lights go down. In Texas it don’t matter, there is no safe place. Schools, malls, shopping centers, businesses, anyone of these the next shooting gallery and most happened in broad daylight.

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