Idiot Biden says on Friday that it’s laughable to call China a threat. What Does He Say Tuesday? – IOTW Report

Idiot Biden says on Friday that it’s laughable to call China a threat. What Does He Say Tuesday?

This guy is Ted Baxter reincarnated.


11 Comments on Idiot Biden says on Friday that it’s laughable to call China a threat. What Does He Say Tuesday?

  1. Poor old Crazy Joe is jealous as according to him President Trump is an existential threat to America while he is only an existential threat to little girls!

  2. For years Biden watched Bill and Hillary make promises to blue collar workers in the morning then tell white collar executive the opposite that very night. Both Clintons got away with that for years. The MSM never called them on it. So Biden figured “What the heck, I’ll try that too.”


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