Idiot, Chris Coumhole, Says “Nobody” Is Calling For the Repeal of 2A – IOTW Report

Idiot, Chris Coumhole, Says “Nobody” Is Calling For the Repeal of 2A

Chris Cuomhole got very animated with Rick Santorum, gesturing idiotically at his head with his index finger, saying that the “repeal 2A boogeymen” were all in his head.

Yeah, sure. Nobody is calling for the repeal of 2A, and if you like your gun, you can keep your gun.


Did you hear? They’re talking about repealing the Second Amendment. It started with former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley. And it sure does seem like those calls prompted skeptics of American gun culture to echo their remarks. Turley and Stevens were joined this week by op-ed writers in the pages of Esquire and the Seattle Times. Democratic candidates for federal office have even enlisted in the ranks of those calling for an amendment to curtail the freedoms in the Bill of Rights. Of course, this is just the most mainstream invocation of anti-Second Amendment themes that have been expressed unashamedly for years, from liberal activists like Michael Moore to conservative opinion writers at the New York Times.  Those calling for the repeal of the right to bear arms today are only echoing similar calls made years ago in venues ranging from Rolling StoneMSNBC, and Vanity Fair to the Jesuit publication America Magazine.

Are you sitting down? You might be surprised to learn that none of this occurred. It’s only your vivid or, some might go so far as to say, fevered imagination. Rest assured, CNN host Chris Cuomo insists that “no one” is calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. And even if they are, as Justice Stevens most certainly is, he’s a “boogeyman” who commands no influence or respect. Apparently, to suggest that anyone is calling for such extremist measures, and not universally beloved “common-sense” restrictions on firearms ownership, amounts to swatting at phantoms. Cuomo retreated into a familiar, well-fortified rhetorical trench—a place where other liberals can be found whenever basic firearm-ownership rights are called into question. Essentially, his contention boils down to this: You didn’t hear what you thought you heard.


11 Comments on Idiot, Chris Coumhole, Says “Nobody” Is Calling For the Repeal of 2A

  1. The nihilistic totalitarians cannot impose their sick, demented, feverish dystopia on an armed population – and they know it.
    They cannot, with the stroke of a pen, disarm a population which will not allow itself to be disarmed.
    They can, however, convince great swathes of that population, through intense and uninterrupted propaganda, that disarmament is desirable by a majority – and that disarmament is the only rational response to some crisis, however imagined and exploited.
    History is available to all of us, if we get off our asses and read.
    A government cannot herd 15 million people into ovens if they are armed.
    A government cannot “collectivize” unto death, 33 million (100 million in China) people if they are armed.
    A government cannot dispossess you of your land and birthright if you are armed.
    A government cannot tax you into penury if you are armed (and organized).

    “Government” is the font of most of the suffering on Earth – from famine to pestilence to economic uncertainty – particularly when it is NOT answerable to the governed and that is especially when the governed are un-armed.

    History has warned us.
    Whether we listen to those warnings or fall into abject slavery is entirely up to us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I believe this gives the essence of what the Second Amendment truly is and why the Founding Fathers enshrined a God given right and included the phrase “Shall NOT be infringed”.
    The essence of the Second Amendment is:
    “The people have the right to defend themselves from bad people and bad governments”

    Notice that it does NOT include anything about bad deer, bears or even squirrels (orange rats). No where in the Second Amendment is the idea of hunting addressed. Hunting is not even hinted at in any part of the Constitution, but the people’s rights of self defense are addressed in plain language for all to see. Yet how often does hunting become the issue with those who hate the right of self defense.

    Yet those who hate liberty and love the idea of the Government for the governing of the people, Government for government, and most especially Government by the government.

    Scratch a liberal or a demoncrat and underneath you will find someone who wishes to trade liberty and a limited government for an all powerful government headed by either the elitist who should rule over the masses or a Monarchy filled with the political Royalty (Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bushes, Kennedy’s…etc).

    Here is a quote from a very good article on the Second Amendment by

    Okay, let’s make it so simple that even a liberal can understand: “A well schooled electorate being necessary to the education of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed”.

    Notice that by simply changing the object of the right described, even demoncrats must realize since learning is the right, the book simply the instrument used to further that right for the good of not only society but most of all for the person and it is seen clearly that this sentence describes an INDIVIDUAL right, NOT an “electorate” right. The same holds true on the original wording, the militia is what is aided by the exercise of this individual right, but it is the individual’s right of self defense that is protected and is the predicate of this Amendment.

    MSG Grumpy

  3. The constitution does not confer rights enumerated by the first 10 amendments. Inalienable. Look it up if you don’t know what that means.

  4. Note there is no “Shall NOT Be Infringed” in the First amendment.
    I think the inane mouthings from rabble-rousers of the previous list need to be curtailed starting there.


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