Idiot Cortez Calls Out John Cornyn for Quoting Mussolini – His Tweet Was a Rebuke of Big Govt, Something Morons Missed – IOTW Report

Idiot Cortez Calls Out John Cornyn for Quoting Mussolini – His Tweet Was a Rebuke of Big Govt, Something Morons Missed

Yes, and you over-estimated some in the congress-sphere as well.

ht/ jd hasty


30 Comments on Idiot Cortez Calls Out John Cornyn for Quoting Mussolini – His Tweet Was a Rebuke of Big Govt, Something Morons Missed

  1. She’s almost worth the 174,000 dollars per year that we are paying her (but not quite), just for the entertainment value she provides.

    Added bonus: Trump will win in a landslide if the Dems listen to this whack job, as well as Bernie the Bolshevik.

  2. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to follow idiots.”

    80% of people can’t remember the past, they weren’t born yet.
    The teachers and professors indoctrinating our children can’t remember the past either. They were indoctrinated themselves.

    Occasinal Kotex should be the last to bring up WWII. Her hereo Maduro should be hung upside down as with Mussolini.
    Gidget aka Sandy, will have rude awakening sooner or later.

  3. For the same reason I have never been able to sit through the movie Idiocracy, watching stupidity is entertaining–for a little while. After that little while is over, you yearn for anything more substantive.

    I’m done with her. She’s dangerously stupid.

  4. I love it – He’s calling her stupid right to her face, albeit a little veiled. In the same vein as “Bless your heart”, it’s a little tiny bit hidden. She’ll probably miss the gist of it.

  5. I wish I could give credit to the first person who said it and said it better than I can.

    The stupid are like the dead. They’re the only one in the room that doesn’t know it.

    Or something like that.

  6. Cornyn also reminds the mouthy dolt that one of the only two “fascists” she’s ever heard of proclaimed himself an eternal socialist. That, too, bounced harmlessy off her thick skull, no doubt.

  7. Sure…she’s an idiot. Doesn’t matter…so is Maxine, Pelosi, etc.

    Beware of her…in 5 yrs the old democrats will be dead and gone. She’s the youngest and has name recognition…she will be the Democrat party leadr.

  8. She is always ranting about indigenous people not realizing her last name is Cortez, a PR derivative of Cortes..the single biggest killer of indigenous peoples in history…if I were related to Hernando I would keep my big mouth shut.

  9. Here’s another quote for Ocasio-Cortez on the heels of the Mussolini quotation: “if the shoe fits, wear it.”

    Like today’s fascists…err…democratic socialists, Il Duce was popular early in his dictatorship. And like Mussolini, someday, if they ever succeed in gaining power, people will probably track down today’s fascists…err…democratic socialists and give them their just desserts.

    The wheels of history go round and round.

  10. AAAHHHH !!! HEY GUYS I think that We all forgot “THEY DON”T TEACH HISTORY of ANY KIND” any more. Just a though, OHH !!! wait that’s CRITICAL THINKING and again the left doesn’t teach that either….

  11. olexjarhead: Close but no Monica!

    According to Billy Clinton (who did not have sex with that woman after Webster Hubble got her knocked up) Monica was a very well skilled, competent intern compared to AOC. The Representative from Puerto Rico on the Hudson is a product of her time in Boston learning economics at the Mussolini School of Failed Outcomes, where nothing is studied beyond the goals for redistribution and the imposition of power to the chosen enlightened ones. Or something like that.


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