Idiot Kids Taunt Hispanic HS Basketball Team By Chanting Trump! Trump! Trump! – IOTW Report

Idiot Kids Taunt Hispanic HS Basketball Team By Chanting Trump! Trump! Trump!

As dumb as the kids are, listen to the news media at the 1:00 mark.

Did you catch anything strange in their reporting?

It makes me want to chant Trump! Trump! Trump! outside their headquarters.

ht/ Gateway Pundit

16 Comments on Idiot Kids Taunt Hispanic HS Basketball Team By Chanting Trump! Trump! Trump!

  1. Iowa. Reactionary liberals. Don’t want to be seen as corn and hog farmers so the kids of the corn and hog farmers wipe their brains clean of 150 years of accumulated wisdom and go off to college where out-of-state profs proceed to scrawl their lib message on them unfettered by outside forces.

  2. According to DCG activities director Steve Watson, roughly a dozen students out of the 120 or so in attendance chanted Trump’s name after their team lost to Perry.

    Feelings at a basketball game? The “abused” team won the playoff….probably never even heard the chant. What’s next, PC police at a baseball stadium? Good luck with that.

  3. To that female student: Hispanics are white, honey. So, skin color ain’t it.

    Hint: Your student body understands the REAL issue. Most of the “Hispanics” in that high school are here illegally.

    The end of free speech in this country is only a few years away.

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