Idiot Makes Chart About “Conspiracy Theories”, Gets Trampled On – IOTW Report

Idiot Makes Chart About “Conspiracy Theories”, Gets Trampled On

Prison Mitch’s update:

8 Comments on Idiot Makes Chart About “Conspiracy Theories”, Gets Trampled On

  1. People actually spend their time and energy doing stuff like this?

    It kinda reminds me of a lifetime spent in making giant balls out of rubber bands. Quiz time: three guesses which endeavor is the more sane.

  2. Conspiracies are real.
    Whenever two or more people get together to further their (combined) aims, it’s a conspiracy.
    The First and Second Triumvirate were conspiracies.
    Catiline conspired to overthrow the Republic.
    Alexander, Ptolemy, and Seleucus conspired to conquer Asia.
    HRC, Mueller, and Comey (and others) conspired to the treasonous overthrow of a duly elected President.
    Members of the FBI conspired to dupe a FISA “judge.”
    Adam Schitt conspired with the Media to spread lies about President Trump.
    Pelosi and Schumer conspired to impeach an innocent President.
    The Biden “election” was the result of a conspiracy of Traitors.
    FDR, Churchill, and Stalin conspired to destroy National Socialist Germany.
    The Media, Gov’t, and Big Pharma conspired to spread fear and loathing (as well as pocket $Billions) over the monumental hoax of the Wuhan Flu.
    Globaloney Climate Change is a conspiracy of Gov’t, Media, and Academia to deprive Western Civilization of its primacy.

    &c., &c., &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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