Idiot on Segway Could Have Ended the Career of One of the Greatest Runners To Ever Have Lived – IOTW Report

Idiot on Segway Could Have Ended the Career of One of the Greatest Runners To Ever Have Lived

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Usain Bolt taken out by dummy Segway user.

20 Comments on Idiot on Segway Could Have Ended the Career of One of the Greatest Runners To Ever Have Lived

  1. Take note, the jackass was using a Segway to follow someone who was *walking*! WTF?!… When I saw Bolt grab at the back of his legs I suspect there could have been an achilles tendon injury inflicted. Still could be the case.

  2. Looks to me like Bolt was grabbing at his calf muscle where the Segway hit him. I dont think there’s an Achilles injury because he put a lot of strain on his Achilles tendon when he back flipped to get back on his feet. If there had been an injury he would have collapsed to the ground immediately

    Damn everything about that guy is awesome — even the way he rebounds from a Segway hit

  3. This is a fine example of how “stupid” can be spelled in different ways. With any luck, the toy rider castrated himself on the way to the dirt. If Mr. Bolt had been from Furgeson, he’d a beat dat ass.

  4. bolt may be a fast runner…..but he couldn’t with a television

    lance armstrong ‘was’ a great bike rider.

    i trust no athlete anymore….’roids are everywhere

  5. Last week or two, when the BarracksAlwaysRight media was showcasing the two girls that passed their Special Forces/Ranger training, the montage I saw was, one girl sliding DOWN the rope and one of the girls had a severe case of ‘roid face not seen since minor golf pro Camino Vallejegas.

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