Idiot Schiff and Comrades Are Attempting To Impeach a President For Thought Crimes – IOTW Report

Idiot Schiff and Comrades Are Attempting To Impeach a President For Thought Crimes


Two questions arise from hours of impeachment inquiry testimony before the House Intelligence Committee:

One: Did Trump cut off military assistance, prompting the compliant Ukrainians to launch investigations to ensure that endangered military aid was not curtailed?

Two: Did Trump reverse prior U.S. foreign policy by cutting off military assistance, thereby threatening the security of Ukraine?

Regarding question No. 1, military assistance was delivered to Ukraine after a delay. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky never announced investigations of the Bidens or election tampering.

In response to question No. 2, the Obama administration’s policy was to deny significant military assistance to Ukraine. Even non-military aid was apparently leveraged by Biden to force the Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor whose role in looking into Hunter Biden’s company is still murky.

In other words, Trump is accused of thinking about cutting off aid as a lever to force Ukrainian investigations. Yet the prior administration never extended significant military aid and threatened to cancel non-military aid over a bothersome prosecutor.


10 Comments on Idiot Schiff and Comrades Are Attempting To Impeach a President For Thought Crimes

  1. Revered legal scholar “Judge” Nap has said that if Trump had a corrupt intention in Comey’s firing he committed a crime even when acting in the scope of his Presidential authority and discretion. In short, a thought crime.

  2. The target of all this Demonrat nonsense is America, the American Citizens, and the Constitutional Order.

    President Trump is, truly, the “representative” of America – the lightning rod.

    They have NO animus towards him. Outside of his successes, they couldn’t care less about him – they were happy to suck his ass when he was “just” a billionaire and TV guy who handed out money to politicians.

    But they believe a coup d’etat is DOABLE. A veritable revolution. If they can destroy the Constitutional order (more completely than has already been done) and maintain their stranglehold over the FBI, CIA, NSA, Armed Forces, Media, Supreme Court, and Academia then the time is right to reduce us to socialist rubble.

    If Trump falls, so do we all.

    These maggots are the real deal – their aim is nothing less than revolting.
    We suffer their existence at our peril.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Nazis may not support gun control now and would have gone batshit insane if Obama had banned guns, but the elites divide the population by saying Tucker Carlson, Trump, Kavanaugh, Trey Gowdy, and Dan Crenshaw are Nazis and when Carlson, Trump, Kavanaugh, Gowdy, and Crenshaw support gun control, Fascists applaud because they are on all on the same team.

  4. They are simply trying to get rid of Trump by any means possible. They really don’t care how. Any legal (-ish) avenue, and to somehow convince American voters that Trump is horrible for our nation, in spite of the burgeoning economy and reduced military threat.

  5. Did not George Orwell nail it when describing the progression of the Left in his novel 1984?

    Trump is their Emmanuel Goldstein character. CNN makes 1984’s Two Minute Hate ritual look amateurish.

    Being an ex-Red, Orwell knew these assholes well. Nothing has changed since 1948.

  6. “… is their Emmanuel Goldstein character.”

    Funny. That was Eddie G. Robinson’s real (birth) name.
    I always wondered if Orwell had seen some of his movies.

    izlamo delenda est …


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