Idiot Slashes Tires When She Spots MAGA Hat inside – IOTW Report

Idiot Slashes Tires When She Spots MAGA Hat inside

The Hill-

Police in Arizona said an 18-year-old woman admitted to slashing the tire of a random SUV because she saw one of President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” hats inside, The Arizona Republic reportedWednesday.

Phoenix Police Department spokesman Sgt. Vincent Lewis said the woman admitted to slashing the tire “because she saw a hat with a political message inside the vehicle which she disagreed with.”

The car belonged to Nick Dugas, a retail security manager, who noticed something didn’t seem right after leaving the parking lot of Paradise Vally Mall.

He discovered a slash in his tire and turned back to find the security footage of the parking lot.

Dugas told the newspaper that footage showed a car pull up next to his. Four women got out and two peered into his truck, where they reportedly spotted one of Trump’s signature red campaign hats resting on the console.

Approximately seven minutes later, the women returned and got back into their car before the driver and front passenger got out again, according to the newspaper.

The front passenger could be seen scanning the parking lot as the driver squatted next to Dugas’s truck.

Footage reportedly showed his SUV suddenly dropping on the left side before the women got back in their car and left.

It cost Dugas $300 to replace the tire and he missed his mother’s birthday dinner because of the delay, he said.

“No one has a right to destroy property because they don’t agree with someone else,” Dugas told the newspaper. “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being the victim of pure hate because of my belief.”


19 Comments on Idiot Slashes Tires When She Spots MAGA Hat inside

  1. I bet the head-wagging scrunt is filled with righteous indignation for being charged when Mr. Dugas is obviously a fookin’, maniacal rayyyyysiiiist!
    Glad they caught her and I hope she pays.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Per the full article, Mr. Douglas seems
    to be a Christian and a good man who adopted
    his son who was a 15 year old boy he found
    sleeping in the carboard behind his store.
    He already forgave the evil twit.
    He is just the kind of a man the left Love to hate.

  3. From the description of the women’s behavior, I’d guess they were looking for a vehicle to steal or rob in the first place. And apparently carrying knives capable of destroying tires with them, something most women don’t normally do.

    But at least we know they’re probably Norwegians, otherwise their race would be mentioned instead of just “four women” in the description so we’d know who the public should be on the lookout for, to help find them and protect ourselves from the same thing happening to us.

  4. @John March 14, 2019 at 9:55 am

    > He already forgave the evil twit.
    > He is just the kind of a man the left Love to hate.

    Some not of the left aren’t too fond of him, either.

  5. from the linked article:

    “The “MAGA” hat, a symbol of Trump’s 2016 campaign and reelection bid, has sparked controversy and confrontation since before his election.”

    I’m sick and tired of media blaming the mental illness of others on a mere hat. Where’s the line in there about the perp’s problem with anger and an absence of self-control?

    “He hates these cans!!”


  6. That’s why we see the Media as our enemies.
    People are gullible and they believe all the bad things they hear about President Trump and his administration.

    She “slashed the neck of the Michelin man.” ISIS?

  7. “Phoenix Police Department spokesman Sgt. Vincent Lewis said the woman admitted to slashing the tire “because she saw a hat with a political message inside the vehicle which she disagreed with.””

    “Lewis told the newspaper that police did not release her name because she was not booked.”

    That right there is is admission that the Phoenix police, at this Sgt. Lewis are enabling this behavior.


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