Idiot Stabs Police Officer in the Neck With Screwdriver After Getting Traffic Ticket- It Doesn’t End Well for the Idiot – IOTW Report

Idiot Stabs Police Officer in the Neck With Screwdriver After Getting Traffic Ticket- It Doesn’t End Well for the Idiot

How did we miss this one?

57 Comments on Idiot Stabs Police Officer in the Neck With Screwdriver After Getting Traffic Ticket- It Doesn’t End Well for the Idiot

  1. Perp: “hmmm, let me read this citation and summons…. hmmm, reasonable fine, not too early in the morning…coffee shop at the courthouse, nice! Wait….what’s this? 5 DOLLARS FOR PARKING!?!?!?!? YEEAARRGGGHH!!!!!”


    It was indeed upsetting to see the cop attacked, but the video could have calmed me down completely if it hadn’t gone dark and stopped too early.

  3. The driver deserved what he got. There is no escaping the fact that the driver was an ass, uncooperative, and then for some weird reason attacked the cop with a screwdriver. If what Supernightshade says is true (screwdriver guy dead) then good (sorry if he left behind anyone, but I cannot fault the cop).

  4. I counted eleven shots. Is that legal? (sarc) Guess the idiot died of natural causes. With eleven bullets in you, even seven, you’ll die….. naturally. Good shoot. I hope the cop is OK.

  5. What? No obligatory high school graduation photo of the dearly departed? Probably the only good thing you could have said about the dead guy was that he was a mammal.

  6. Someone watched too many Hopalong Cassidy movies. Shoot him in the leg, wing him, shoot the screwdriver out of his hand. GTFOUTTAHERE!
    Ya fooken eegit!

  7. @ Larry the Liberal JULY 1, 2019 AT 5:40 PM

    Did the cop really have to empty his pistol?

    When I was a young cat and some idiot kinda’ wanted to try a piece of me, once the puck was dropped and it was game on I was in one mode and one mode only. Win lose or draw I’m going to inflict enough damage to this bastard that he won’t ever want to try this again.

  8. joe6pak
    JULY 1, 2019 AT 5:25 PM
    “The one thing that surprises me is that the perp is in Ohio, not Florida. That just sounds like a Florida thing to do.”

    …Ohio has a major North-South drug route in I-75 right down the middle, and Democrats have thoroughly poisoned the major cities including once-Republican Cincinnati, and also Dayton which this is near. Liberals incubated poverty and hate in inner-city ghettos, then metastized it into the suburbs by gentrifying the projects and giving the previous tenants Section 8 vouchers and bus fare. All the cities are “sanctuary” cities, too, and also scared by the neutering of Cincinnati’s Police department by the Federal Government after the 2000 riots, so it’s anything goes for any and all POC crime state wide.

    …we’ve managed to keep a very RINO governor (10 cent gas tax he proposed just kicked in, as did a 19 cent diesel tax, so no help there), but otherwise it’s just one Dem win after another.

    Don’t forget that Ohio gave rise to both John “mailman” Kasisch who was the FIRST to jump on the Obamacare bandwagon, AND John “The West Chester Weeper” Boehner, who did more for Obama than Pelosi ever could, and stabbed all America in the back when it became clear he would not be re-elected for same.

    Democrats own northern OH because of the unions for the car part factories that serve just-up-the-road Detroit, Columbus because of the extremely liberal universities in the area, and SW Ohio because of all the Black riots they’ve fanned over the years, causing it to be impossible to ever have a White police chief ever again, to the point where they go on nationwide searches for a Black face and even THEN come up with ones that aren’t even qualified to BE police officers in Ohio.

    All this, and more, makes Ohio a most welcoming environment for any anti-Police activity that you would find anywhere in the Nation. Thank God for that wounded LEO being able to loose those taxpayer-relief shots, or some liberal Ohio judge would have just freed him to do it again…

  9. ..putting aside the fact hebwas attacking a police officer, it’s instant Darwin qualification to go to a gunfight with a screwdriver by attacking a trained, armed man with a Tooltime refugee…

  10. “Did the cop really have to empty his pistol? He could have just shot him once in the leg to diffuse the situation.”

    lol. Yeah I’m sure the shots included his legs, too.

  11. LocoBlancoSaltine
    JULY 1, 2019 AT 5:58 PM
    “One less democrat vote in Ohio.
    If the officer used a silencer would that have been considered “voter suppression?”’

    …the dead vote in Ohio too, @LocoBlancoSaltine. And they don’t really need it anyway because they gerrymandered the place so badly that Sherrod Brown of all people was able to win re-election.

    I fully expect Ohio to turn blue in 2020. Not because it IS blue, but between the illegals, the race-baiting sucesses, the easily falsified voting machines, and things like Melowese Richardson being lionized by Democrats after ADMITTING to using her poll worker position to vote multiple times for Obama, as well as the nakedly illegal ways that ALL of the local Black churches supported Obama without penalty AND all the spineless RINOS including the current AND former Governors there’s REALLY no disincentive to use the cheat-till-you-win strategy during the next Presidential election…

    “Sharpton, Ohio Democrats applaud poll worker convicted of felony voter fraud… at voting rights rally
    How can you conduct a voting rights rally when you celebrate a person convicted of a voting felony?

    Former Hamilton County poll worker Melowese Richardson gets a big hug from Al Sharpton as Ohio Democrats including Rep. Alicia Reece and Cincinnati National Action Network President Bobby Hilton “welcome home” the convicted multiple vote fraudster. ”

  12. MJA
    JULY 1, 2019 AT 6:14 PM
    ‘“Did the cop really have to empty his pistol? He could have just shot him once in the leg to diffuse the situation.”

    lol. Yeah I’m sure the shots included his legs, too.’

    …would it be wrong to hope he got one BETWEEN the legs as well? You know, a little going-away gift to give him maximum pain on his way to Hell…

  13. Liberally-Educated Larry, I believe the word you’re looking for is “defuse”, not “diffuse”. Although Truck Guy sounds like he was somewhat diffused by the cop.

  14. 20 minutes earlier……

    “C’mon man! Load those yucca plants up! Trumps makin’ em’ eat muther fuggin’ CAULIFLOWER at the border! Let’s go let’s go let’s go!!!
    I swear I will STAB the next muther trucker who tries to slow down this freedom train….”

  15. Larry, fuck that bastard.
    He stabbed a cop. In the neck. With a screwdriver.
    I would have reloaded and double tapped him and then pissed in his face as he bled out.
    Larry you watch too much TV. A leg shot only wakes up some people and makes them mad. Best to kill them.

  16. They left out the best part!

    Btw, at the beginning of the video, there was a warning of “offensive content.” Was anyone here offended – other than by the euthanization of the mad dog being deleted?

  17. Let me get this straight . The truck driver is being charged with using a non designated truck route , yet he is backed up to the dock to load or unload cargo . That means he had a legal reason to use that road . So the local yokel writes him a ticket for 350 dollars ? for criminal mischief ? Then he tells him it is a mandatory court appearance . I imagine that the truck driver is not a local so he will have to miss work while traveling to and from court which will cost him approx two thousand dollars in lost income so he will not be able to make his truck payment . He will lose his truck and his livelihood . This is if he wins in court . Many Truck Drivers barely earn minimum wage , some don’t . Since the driver had already checked in with the receiver and was already backed up to the loading dock the cop was responding to a call and had not seen it himself the cop was out of clearly out of line . A man trying to earn an honest living was destroyed by an ignorant cop that didn’t know the law but had a gun to enforce a local extortion scheme .

  18. NO ONE that is trained in small quartered combat will EVER shoot for the outer extremity. You AIM for the mass of the low mid torso, knowing their might be some kick.

  19. @Larry the dumb phuck liberal–

    I once thought I wanted to go into law enforcement. I realized at an early age….BULLSHIT.

    However, as someone that apparently NEVER has been accosted; let me ask you, Larry, if you are approached by a thug with a deadly weapon and your life is threatened by that weapon and all you have is your arms for protection, how many times do you swing back in self-defense, if all you have is your feet, how many times do you kick the thug in the nuts, if all you have is a knife, how many times do you stab the bastard, if you’re lucky enough to have a pistol with a 60 round magazine; how many times do you shoot the fucker??

    That’s what I thought……until you are comfortable knowing that the assault has been vanquished.

    You must make a really great ‘Monday-morning’ quarter-back.

  20. Larry the fucked up liberal asshole should pin on a badge and strap on a gun then go out and put his worthless life on the line dealing with the scum of the earth that is ready to kill at the drop of a hat!

  21. Wow! I’m shocked no democrat running for president has called for a ban on all screw drivers (or at least institute mandatory background checks) yet.

  22. For all the bleeding hearts out there that say shoot him in the leg, what are you thinking?
    If the judge is a liberal and releases him for the inconvenience he gets to sue the city. If he sues the city your taxes go up to pay the millions he sues for. Shoot the criminal dead.


    1. Do not have a pissed off citizen sign ANYTHING, you’re just asking for resistance. Just hand the ticket and move on, they have received it, that’s good enough. The states that require this need to change the law, it puts more pressure on everyone, but why do politicians care about any of that?

    2. Many countries have a hand-held scanner. Scans I.D., hands ticket and penalty details to driver, police have 90% LESS interaction with the public.

    3. A citation for the “No through truck zone?” Honestly, most truck drivers (me being a former one) are too busy and in a hurry to re-route paths to the destination and avoid those zones. It’s an honest mistake not needing a citation in most cases.

    4. Last 4 of social security number is not necessary, he had all of his forms AND I.D. It’s just pestering the driver, and he doesn’t need a contact number, the I.D. with address and citation is good enough. No one is legally obligated to own a phone or know their SSN#.

    5. Receiving a summons for criminal mischief. I don’t know what that’s all about, but that basically makes him unemployable. Every job application will request that information, LIFE OVER. I think the driver realizes that.

    It’s too bad for both of them. Only in America does a routine traffic stop lead to a murder scene. Not necessary.

  24. Thug was driving erratically through people’s front yards with his truck…..criminal mischief. Gheesh, do some damn homework before posting, you dumbasses.

    Cops are trained to SHOOT TO KILL, not to injure. I would’ve gotten another gun and emptied that into his limp worthless POS corpse. Cops lives are more valuable than thugs meaningless lives. Simple.


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