Idiot Swalwell Says: If Elected President, I Will Fire Jared Kushner on Day One – IOTW Report

Idiot Swalwell Says: If Elected President, I Will Fire Jared Kushner on Day One

WFB: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) declared in a new interview he would fire Jared Kushner on the first day of his presidency, although that would suggest Kushner would have remained in the White House under a new administration.

Kushner is President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and a White House senior adviser, and he has been tasked with developing a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. more here

26 Comments on Idiot Swalwell Says: If Elected President, I Will Fire Jared Kushner on Day One

  1. Swalwell is the male poster child for STUPID

    And Ocasio is the female version.

    Both have room temperature IQs. Both will be safe during the Zombie Apocalypse when the hordes will be seeking brains…Brains….BRAINS!!!

  2. How do people like this rise to such high positions of power and influence in our country?

    It doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would allow him to rise to such a high position and rule over them.

  3. “How do people like this rise to such high positions of power and influence in our country?”

    One of the pitfalls of Representative Democracy.
    People have the option of electing the dumbest of the dumb – as is their right – to represent them – who are categorically – dumb.

    We (humans) have a propensity for self-immolation.

    The more affluent we become, the more lazy, fat, worthless, selfish, narcissistic, and arrogant – Rome – Greece (Hellenic) – Persia – Medea – Babylon – Mongol – Macedonian – Turk – Han – Britain – France – Germany – take your pick – to our own destruction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Somehow I don’t thin Kushner is too concerned about Swalwell getting elected. This clown has about as much chance of being elected as AOC has of being the first woman on Pluto.

  5. What a loudmouth bag of double-distilled douche.
    He’s already threatened to start Revolution.2 with gun confiscation, so anything else he says is not likely to be taken too seriously either.

  6. I believe BFH had it right when he suggested that swalwell appears to be mildly retarded…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. The democrap party is gonna fire HIM, after the first Klown Kar KavalKade of Kandidate debates – I wouldn’t be making any plans beyond a crappy office in the Capitol Dome, jagoff! 🙄

  8. It’s just like that imbecile to choose someone who isn’t known by 99.9 % of the nation and who wouldn’t be staying there anyway.
    His moronic followers will be trying to find out who this is and what threat he poses.

  9. LOL! What an egotistical stooge. He will never be president. Surprised he’s anything above dog catchrr. He actually imagines Kushner would hang around after Trump leaves office just so he can say, “Out you bounder – you’re fired!” Swalwell must be the Democrat clown car keystone cop.


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