Idiotic Psychiatrist’s Advice For Staying Calm Gets Media Coverage – IOTW Report

Idiotic Psychiatrist’s Advice For Staying Calm Gets Media Coverage

This was the headline –

How to stay calm with psychiatrist’s ‘rule of 12’ that’s guaranteed to help when ‘everything is going wrong’

I thought the “top psychiatrist” was going to give 12 calming techniques to get you through tough times.


His big revelation was “expect 12 things to go wrong. So, deal with it.”

I thought of this scenario when I read this amazing revelation-

His patient is on a rooftop shooting people. The police ask him “what went wrong?”

He says,

“the 13th thing.”

To make matters even more infuriating, he thought of this when he was out on an exotic vacation.

24 Comments on Idiotic Psychiatrist’s Advice For Staying Calm Gets Media Coverage

  1. modern brain peepers are only there to make everything worse.

    On purpose.

    They only affirm mental illness now, use force of law to make everyone accept mental illness, and prescribe profitable drugs to cause or exacerbate mental illness that you HAVE to take FOREVER or you will end up completely psychotic.

    When the revolution comes a special effort needs to be made to round shrinks up and send them to the Lord by the speediest way possible for Judgement as their crimes are too great to be punished here.

    But if the opportunity presents to send them to hell in pain, that option shouldn’t be discounted either…

  2. I went to several over the years and not one was really helpful. They just sit there and never offer any actual constructive advice. The drugs they prescribe either don’t work or have nasty side effects. Better off getting a dog and going hunting.

  3. @SNS- instead of speedy delivery to hell, maybe just stuff then in straight jackets and force feed them all the drugs they’ve ever prescribed and after a year or so, cut them off cold turkey and let nature take it’s course. maybe even keep them in a white room for the year, and when you cut them off, put them in a blackout box for a couple days for fun.

  4. Sapper Chris WEDNESDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2023, 12:29 AT 12:29 PM

    …I like the way you think, but the odds are against having that much alone time with one, and there’s a lot that need to be “processed”.

    Sometimes old ways are the best, and automobile tools can be used interchangeably with medical ones when high long term survival rates are not a desired outcome.

    …also, sometimes we can be infomed by fiction. I seem to recall a movie where Drill Sergeant Gunny offered to rip out a recruit’s eyes and skull fuck him. Perhaps an experiment could be made to test the utility of ths statement, but only rip ONE eye out so the celebrant can enjoy the visual spectacle of what’s to. uuh, “come”.

    But it may be difficult to find a human male that would find the duty actually attractive, so a sufficiently endowed member of the animal kingdom could be employed, or perhaps a mecanical device of the sort favored by the ladies could be used in a pinch.

    Sadly, the offending brain has no pain receptors of its own so stimulation to that point that clearly promises to violate said dark matter at some future time could at least keep the anticipation high, as the foul brain of such specimens is the thing they value most for its ability to destroy the lives of others for fun and profit.

    But after all is said and done, you want to be sure a second encounter is not needed, n’est ce pas? To that end we can turn again to the automotive world, specifically the air chisel, which can be equipped with a number of tools both blunt and sharp, none of which would have the slightest difficulty piercing bone.

    But this is all just a joke, I’m a comedian, right? Like all the Commie comedians who can say whatever, “its a joke”, right.


  5. I felt lousy a couple days ago. Then, I read excerpts from the Bible. Within minutes, my mood improved substantially.

    Shrinks are sick in the head themselves, always wanting to know about people’s innermost thoughts and feelings. They’re the Peeping Toms of the soul.


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