Idiots And Their Cream Pies – IOTW Report

Idiots And Their Cream Pies

Some residents of an apartment across from UW-La Crosse’s residence halls hung this banner off a balcony this weekend as students were moving into their dorm rooms.   It has caused quite a storm of responses though the banner was taken down by the next evening.


Lewd meaning of cream pie Here   <——- extremely vulgar. Some may want to stay innocent of the meaning.- bfh


21 Comments on Idiots And Their Cream Pies

  1. I wonder if they are equal opportunity providers? If so, they may have a very distinguished guest as the first taker, minus his wedding band he seems to have misplaced in Laos yesterday whilst “exploring” the male hostels, dancers, and escorts. Like Rock Hudson of old, he will take on the whole rooming house, males only of course.

  2. The reaction to this is idiotic. Yes, juvenile humor, but a response by the “Violence Prevention Specialists”? What even is that?

    Didn’t they see the word “Free”? Even if the sign said “Free Rape with Valid Freshman I.D.” it seems like all you would have to do is avoid that apartment building and you’ll be fine.

    Should the university respond to these juvenile students? Of course. Reprimand them. Put them on double-secret probation. But lighten up. It’s stupid humor.

  3. I suspect there is going to be a concerted effort to hunt each and everyone of these young men down on social media, expose their names and all addresses then a massive witch hunt to virtually burn them at the stake now and for life for being part of this stupid stunt.

    An ugly incident that is going to get even uglier.

  4. They should be banned from school. And maybe thrown in jail if they don’t apologize. And put into rehab. And maybe get sex offender statuses. And how about restraining orders?
    Nothing is too severe for these sexist pig teenage boys.

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