Idiots Try A Home Invasion, During A Nationwide Shut Down – IOTW Report

Idiots Try A Home Invasion, During A Nationwide Shut Down


Video released from an April 4, 2020, Arlington Heights, Illinois, home invasion shows two masked suspects walking up to the front door of house, one of whom gets pummeled by the homeowner.

The second suspect was shot dead by the homeowner minutes later. The Daily Mail reports the homeowner beat down the first suspect, then went back into the home to discover the second suspect was holding his wife and kids at gunpoint. The homeowner shot and killed the second suspect, 58-year-old Larry Brodacz. More

26 Comments on Idiots Try A Home Invasion, During A Nationwide Shut Down

  1. I just bought a security camera system today on Ebay. FYI if you don’t own a gun, a dry fire extinguisher can be better than nothing.
    I’m not sure if there on the essential list.

  2. At least taxpayers don’t have to finance the stiff’s incarceration, multiple court challenges, sex change procedures, etc.

    Good riddance.

    I agree. Happy ending.

  3. A few days ago, a couple of robbers rolled through my neighborhood and tried to rob my elderly neighbor. They posed as utility workers in safety vests, rang the doorbell and said they needed to check property markers in her backyard. One of them wanted her to accompany him in the backyard while the other tried to sneak in the front door. Luckily she didn’t fall for it. They tried it on 3 houses in the area and we phoned the cops right away. I provided surveillance video of their truck to the cops. The one thing in common with all houses they tried was all 3 residents are over 70 years old.

  4. Up here they would have beat the shit out of the home owners and made off with jewelry, cash, credit cards and PIN numbers.

    The adults would be in intensive care with any children violated or assaulted.

    The TV and police would issue solemn statements with a public warning.

    Months latter the suspects would be caught after running a red light, a copper pulls the suspects over and searched the vehicle because he smells “cat urine” (cocaine).

    The search is deemed illegal, all charges are dropped and they are released with an apology.

    6 months later, totally unrelated, a news crew does a “where are they now” peice & shows the family still dealing with their injuries but recovering.

    Canada 2020. UN-Armed and Proud of it!

  5. I got some motion detector wifi cameras last year and I sleep better at night.

    A few weeks ago, right after daylight savings, I had a motion come up at 8pm and saw some guy I’ve never seen before pull up in my pitch black backyard and come up to my back door. No knock that I heard. I’m out in the rurals but stay locked up like I live in the worst ghetto. As he started going back to his truck, I came out on my deck with my Taurus PT92 above him without him hearing and then we had a nice talk about what he was doing.

    For under $250, not counting cloud service, I can see my entire property from anywhere in the country.


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