If Anyone Knows Misinformation, It’s CNN – IOTW Report

If Anyone Knows Misinformation, It’s CNN

Tucker Carlson Accuses CNN of ‘Misinformation,’
Immediately Gets Proved Right by CNN

Louder With Crowder – I love it when people prove your point for you. I also love it any time we get to point out what a useless potato Brian Stelter is. This post does both…

Read and watch video here.

4 Comments on If Anyone Knows Misinformation, It’s CNN

  1. They will aggressively insist that everything the Left says is true and that everything the Right says are lies. Then every Democrat in the House will vote to put ‘free speech controls’ on Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, etc., as well as a few Republicans who have already outed themselves in the impeachment vote.
    Then the Senate will do the same. Leaving only SCOTUS to protect us.
    Well, and God and our guns.

  2. I hate these stupid terms.
    LIES not disinformation.
    The term is lies.

    The Dirty Dems are all at once attacking the 1sr, 2nd, 5th, 9th and 10th amendments and they violated the 12th.


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