If Baltimore Were a Country, It Would be The World’s 3rd Most Dangerous – IOTW Report

If Baltimore Were a Country, It Would be The World’s 3rd Most Dangerous


Matt Palumbo-

Elijah Cummings’ home was broken into on Saturday, July 27th – the same day that President Donald Trump attacked his district as a “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess” and “very dangerous and filthy place.” News of the burglary didn’t make the news until August 1st, but it still made for some ironic timing, especially in the face of a media intent on disagreeing with anything Trump says.

They say the first step towards fixing a problem is acknowledging that it exists, but liberals don’t want to do that with Baltimore, because they would require them to admit that Trump is actually right about something.

We heard all the usual talking points about how Baltimore is a “beautiful city” with “some bad areas,” or that they simply lack adequate federal funding. Other pundits couldn’t conceive of the possibility that Trump’s comments could be anything but racially motivated – rather than reality motivated. Baltimore’s city councilman Zeke Cohen appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to be one of the few to acknowledge Baltimore’s violence problem – before completely deflecting the blame to “400 years of systemic racism.” It’s certainly an odd excuse considering that Baltimore was a much more peaceful place in the 1960s than today – does Zeke seriously believe American race relations were better then?

The reality of the matter is that if Baltimore were its own country, it would be the third most dangerous country on the planet. As you can see charted below, only El Salvador and Jamaica would be more dangerous. The statistics are sourced from the United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime.

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9 Comments on If Baltimore Were a Country, It Would be The World’s 3rd Most Dangerous

  1. The only reason Baltimore’s numbers aren’t higher is that the rats have eaten so many of the victim’s bodies and they can’t be counted in the stats without evidence of death.

  2. Actually the murder rate would be double
    what it is if we didn’t have a world class
    shock-trauma center that saves gunshot cases
    that would die most other places.


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