If Biden wanted to instill vaccine confidence, he’d take off his masks – IOTW Report

If Biden wanted to instill vaccine confidence, he’d take off his masks

Patriot Retort-

Say, did you know that of the 9% of the pork-laden $2T stimulus bill that is for “COVID Relief,” a billion dollars was set aside for “vaccine confidence activities?”

Apparently the CDC is super concerned because there are Americans who aren’t super excited about getting the COVID vaccine.

It isn’t a mystery why so many are unwilling to get the vaccine. As Julie Kelly said last week in her column “Mixed Messaging and Silencing Campaign Fuel Vaccine Skepticism,” “If politicians and public health authorities want someone to blame for people’s reluctance to get a vaccine, they should take a long look in the mirror.” READ MORE

22 Comments on If Biden wanted to instill vaccine confidence, he’d take off his masks

  1. …I don’t want to see that snuggle toothed pedo shit’s smirking cakehole ever again personally, and the only confidence THAT fraud can ever inspire is the confidence that Democrats can steal any election and impose any senile asshole distraction they like over us, to head fake us as they merrily rape and pillage the rest of the country somewhere else…

  2. Memory loss, which is usually noticed by a spouse or someone else.
    Difficulty communicating or finding words.
    Difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost while driving.
    Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving.
    Difficulty handling complex tasks.
    Difficulty with planning and organizing.

    As long as we know he isn’t fit for any office much less the ability to walk up stairs, we can continue to go to bed scared $hitless at what these heathen Democrats have done to our nation. Something is going to happen, we’re ripe for an invasion from China or Russia….take your pick. One more thing, the Republicans played a hand in all of this as well.

  3. Joe Biden in a nutshell:

    “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  4. Why would I get the vax?

    Nothing changes. There’s no reward. Even if it was completely safe and effective.

    Oh! But I get a piece of paper that says I get a free donut. Or I can be sealed in a tin can at 32,000 ft filled with inconsiderate jerks. Or I can be cooped up on a floating petri dish with the same jerks. Go screw.

  5. As Luntz’s focus group said, nobody trusts news readers and government spokes-holes or corporate shills to know anything or tell the truth about vacseems. People want to hear from their own doctors and immunology experts who are not compromised by conflicts of interest.

    We have been told many lies about where the virus came from, when it got here, how deadly it is, who has it and what cures it. Many see how multinational corporations and big business that cater to large groups of people are trying to coerce us into getting the untested and untraditional immunizations and want no part of it.

    I know President Trump is proud of his successful efforts to get the vaccines out so quickly and plentifully, but as with everything else good that he did, it was mostly perverted or destroyed by the permanent fascist bureaucracy, and if they didn’t destroyed it, they took credit for it. And if the vacseems go south and start killing people, they’ll blame him. He has to know that everything about the plandemic was done to destroy him, and nothing has changed in that regard now that the masked husk has been installed as pResident.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    MARCH 23, 2021 AT 9:58 AM
    “SNS, but Zaphod Beeblebrox had 2 heads, joey only has one that doesn’t function very well.”

    …Joey’s got two heads all right, and the little one does the thinking, and all it ever thinks about is raping children, and THAT’S what they pretend is a president these days…

    …it can’t be anything BUT distraction, although a national punishment by God would explain a lot as well..

  7. “People want to hear from their own doctors and immunology experts who are not compromised by conflicts of interest. ”

    Not compromised?!?

    Untrue. Especially after obola-dontcare.

  8. According to Doctor Google 143,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 143,000 covid deaths in just over 2 months!
    That’s a 35.75 % INCREASE in just over 2 months.
    Hows that biden plan working out for ya America?

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.


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