If CNN Ain’t Fake News, Then Why Are 3 “Journalists” “Resigning”? – IOTW Report

If CNN Ain’t Fake News, Then Why Are 3 “Journalists” “Resigning”?


Three CNN employees have resigned from the company for their role in pushing a botched Trump-Russia story that claimed a member of the Trump transition team was under investigation.

Reporter Thomas Frank, editor Eric Lichtblau and executive editor Lex Haris all resigned from their positions following a company-wide investigation into the single-sourced story that was quickly debunked, The Washington Post first reported. CNN quickly followed up with a story of their own on the resignations. Lichtblau reportedly oversaw the false story, while Haris headed up CNN’s investigative unit.

“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” CNN’s coverage quotes a company spokesman as saying.

The retracted story, which relied upon a single unnamed congressional source, claimed that Senate investigators were probing Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci and whether or not he discussed lifting sanctions during a meeting with a Russia banker just days before Trump’s inauguration. CNN later retracted the story and apologized to Scaramucci.


Create the overzealous atmosphere and then punish your employees for following your lead.

That’s some news outlet.

16 Comments on If CNN Ain’t Fake News, Then Why Are 3 “Journalists” “Resigning”?

  1. The names are fake. The fake story was leaked by a fake congressional source that was really an AI bot programmed by fake Russians which was really an NSA hacking program that escaped into the wild infecting Apple’s iCloud.

    A confidential IC source told me.

  2. Kudos to Breitbart for exposing CNN’s false story.
    So Zucker at CNN has to sacrifice 3 pawns. One of them a newly hired Pulitzer winner.
    In news terms that’s a decent sized Scalp for Breitbart to claim.
    Pocahontas’s office reportedly fed the false story to CNN, who knew it was false and ran it anyway. Firing your employees afterwards does not exempt you from liability for damages caused by the false story.
    The tide is turning.
    CNN’s viewership continues to decline.
    Fake news.

    Now the lawsuits can begin. I hope all involved go Full Gawker on CNN.

  3. ““In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” CNN’s coverage quotes a company spokesman as saying.”
    Fake news again, like they voluntarily resign ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  4. It’s a start in the right direction. Hope this has a chilling effect on the rest of the Journos. An object lesson in “there is no honor among thieves/liars.”

  5. They are leaving because they were told they had to get approval on their stories before publication. Not because of shame or guilt but because they don’t want to quit publishing lies to create doubt and sway the public opinion.

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