If Cruz Overtakes Trump – IOTW Report

If Cruz Overtakes Trump

If Cruz does start to overtake Trump, do you think he will raise the eligibility issue?

And if he does, how will you react?


36 Comments on If Cruz Overtakes Trump

  1. Don’t think so. That’s a non starter and Trump knows it. Cruz may win Iowa. They don’t call themselves Idiots Out Walking Around for no reason. Cruz will capitalize on the religious vote. But Trump sweeps from there.

  2. I have been a Cruz fan since he first came on the scene, but this has always been a concern for me. Regardless what the law’s current interpretation is, the political machine will hammer it into the public memory so intensely that Cruz will not stand a chance against hitlery in the general election. The low information voters will believe whatever lie the media creates.
    It’s better that it come out now. Let the chips fall where they may.

  3. Trump looks to run the table after he might lose in Iowa.

    I don’t see Ted overtaking Trump but if he did, I don’t see Trump going after him that way.

    Trump is just too darn dynamic-if you haven’t seen his epic slaughter of Stepsinpoopalot this morning, I suggest you head over to CTH and catch it. Then tell me about Cruz pulling ahead of Trump.

  4. After the new-and-improved anal orifice that Rush and Levin gave Teh Donald after he said Cruz was a maniac and Scalia left much to be desired, I think he’d have to know that he’d be in for another drubbing — esp. from Levin, who covered this issue vehemently a few months ago.

  5. I always thought that natural born meant naturally born to two US citizen parents. Ends up I was rawng. Lots of people think it really only matters which side of the street you were born on, regardless of the blood that made you. Yet I remain opposed to that notion.

    Obeyme was born from the blood of only one US citizen right here (allegedly) on the block. Meanwhile, Cruz was born from the blood of two US Citizen parents, only it was across the street.

    I dunno, methinks there is kinda enough evidence to suggest that it really does matter whether both parents had US citizen blood in them versus over here ::takes 2 steps:: or over there?

  6. The reason it is an “eligibility issue” is that John McCain didn’t take BHO to the Supreme Court to get a decision; that for over 200 years citizenship of a child is determined not by where the child was born but how. The citizenship of fathers determine the citizenship of the child. BHO’s father was a British national; that’s not the definition of “natural born citizen” when establishing eligibility to serve as president. Cruz doesn’t meet this test either. This nuance was jealously guarded by BHO by sealing all of his records, one of the most important would have been his real birth certificate. BHO can be a citizen by being born in the country but he is not a natural born citizen, that is , born of two American citizens, like John McCain was.

  7. Agree. What a shame it is that we care less about a woman that sells state secrets for personal gain while mishandling federal top secret information — it’s that United States citizen guy that happened to escape the uteran hatch while he was across the street in Canada that you gotta look out for.

  8. The term “natural born citizen” has never been properly defined in the context of presidential eligibility. Knowledgeable legal opinions differ, but in my opinion those who say that Cruz is eligible because he became a citizen at birth (because of his U.S. citizen mother) even though that birth was in Canada are correct. Those who disagree, again in my opinion, don’t have as good a case to make.

    So, if Cruz is the Rep candidate, and the issue gets big (likely), I’ll side with those who say he’s constitutionally eligible.

  9. The citizenship of fathers determine the citizenship of the child
    Not correct. I was born in Brussels Belgium to a Scottish Father and an American Mother. My birth certificate states I was born an American Citizen. When registered with the U.S. government, it also verifies I am an American Citizen. I’m sure Mr. Cruz’s birth certificate would read the same.

    According to law professors I’ve spoke to, “Natural Born” is means born to an American Citizen (i.e. not a naturalized immigrant)

  10. I always thought natural born meant something other than Cesarian Section.

    If, IF Cruz gets the nod, by that time i think this country will be so fed up with the lies of the media, shit Shillary is shoveling, and the putrid stench from obomba, that even i could be elected.

  11. I have to give Cruz credit for being smarter and having a better memory than me. He still gets my vote if he ties with Trump in the poles. I want one of those guys to win. Otherwise we can say goodbye to the Constitution and hello civil war.

  12. If Mark Levin and law professors William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection, Eugene Volokh of The Volokh Conspiracy, and Alan freakin’ Dershowitz (a notorious lefty) all agree that Cruz is a natural born citizen qualified to run for president, that’s good enough for me.

  13. All that matters to me about Cruz, is that I’m a registered natural born citizen and I vote. And I will vote three or four times for Ted Cruz if he is the nominee.

    My attitude toward this elections is the same as my religion:

    The Main things are the Plain things and the Plain things are the Main things. I think Trump will be a better leader with more dynamism and won’t let the congress beat him up and I think he will finesse the heck out the uniparty to get what he wants. Or make them all so incredibly unpopular they’ll be sucking up to him just for a photo op in order to get reelected in their districts/states.

  14. Oh, born in Canada? I thought this was about his wife.

    http://www.cmc.edu/robert-day-school/discover/board-of-advisors-bios (scroll down the page to eventually to find her bio)

    “. . . . is a managing director in the Private Wealth Management Group at Goldman Sachs, Texas. . . . .
    In addition to her private-sector work, Heidi served on the Board of Directors of Living Water International, dedicated to providing clean water and sanitation equipment in the developing world. Her publications include the book chapter, “Expanding Opportunity Through Free Trade,” in Thank You, President Bush; a chapter in Exchange Rate Policies for Emerging Market Economies; and a Harvard Case Study: “American International Group.” She also is a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.”

    I’m not voting for Cruz.

  15. I suspect Trump would bring it up, and may even if Cruz never becomes a serious threat.
    It wouldn’t be done to tear down Cruz, it would be done as a threat to the Democrat machine. He is a master at turning attacks back on the attacker, and Hillary was the one who created the ‘birther’ movement against Obama.
    Trump is not who I want as president, I would prefer a conservative Republican, but if a Democrat is going to win, I want it to be Trump.

  16. Cruz began organizing in the now “solid Republican South” immediately after being elected to the Senate, many of which are now “early” states in the primaries. He has spent a great deal of time and effort there. Trump or die voters are going to be in for a really nasty shock come primary season.

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