If Ever I Saw a #FakeNews Report, This IS IT! – IOTW Report

If Ever I Saw a #FakeNews Report, This IS IT!

Raul Joaquin Castro goes on CNN and says he believes Trump associates will be going to jail over the findings he “knows about” in the Russia/Trump/collusion investigation.

Pressed to be more specific, Castro got vaguer and vaguer, yet, Wolf Blitzer got more and more breathless.

Keep in mind, CNN will not cover the Rice story, which is about a national security advisor who said she “knew nothing of the unmasking”  in week 1 and in week 2 she admitted she unmasked. That’s a non-story.

The Trump/Russia investigation, however, which has uncovered ZERO in the way of any tangible evidence, gets wall to wall coverage with a moron lackey informing his mouth-breathing audience to “look at this squirrel, forget about that Rice stuff!”

18 Comments on If Ever I Saw a #FakeNews Report, This IS IT!

  1. CNN isn’t even fake news. They’ve become a channel for far leftist progs to get their fantasy version of reality or to hear one of their own deliver a much desired unhinged rant. They’ve gone so far off the reservation they’ve started making other far leftist outlets look reasonable. Bravo!

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