Barack Obama took to his Twitter account to list off what he’s accomplished in his eight years of being President.
That’s after he used his final 2016 Weekly Address to pat himself on the back for all he’s accomplished in his time in office.
Of course, he isn’t done trying to make the case for himself.
Later this week, he will deliver a “Farewell Address” in Chicago where he will once again give us his curriculum vitae.
Tell me something.
If Barack Obama has accomplished so many good things for the country, doesn’t it stand to reason that he wouldn’t need to keep telling us about it?
if he had accomplished anything he wouldn’t have blamed bush, the congress, and the russians
The only thing he accomplished was to wake many from their political slumber and embolden them to reject statist and political machines.
Can’t wait for his third autobio. Just for the title. Probably something like, “The Always President”.
Luke 14: The Parable of the Guests
7When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, He told them a parable: 8“When you are invited to a wedding banquet, do not sit in the place of honor, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited. 9Then the host who invited both of you will come and tell you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ And in humiliation, you will have to take the last place.
10But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you. 11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
I saw somewhere earlier today where some said he was a great orator. I laughed so hard, I almost spit up my oatmeal.
Take away that teleprompter and what have you got?? Nothing but a bag of stutters.
I remember from the time.
If O’Bajacare is so great, how come it has to be mandatory?
Obama’s accomplishments? Hopefully by time Trump gets through with him Obama will have to get his high school diploma again.
Let him have his vainglorious acclamations…..just get him the hell out of the White House.
if if if if if if if uh that’s all folks
Still up to his old Alinsky-taught, school boy malarkey. Now of course everyone knows what it is so it doesn’t have the power and mystique it had eight long years ago. Tell the same lie over and over until people believe it. But the sand in the gears — and the real reason obama is jiving so much about these mythical accomplishments — is that Trump is going to make him look like the grifting, unskilled, inept, unqualified, blundering idiot he is. obama has no social intelligence beyond the low-life celebrities he entertains and secretly would like to be. He was never an effective senator and should have been recalled/impeached for dereliction of his official duties. He should have been impeached for acting against the interests of the U.S.A (and against the oath of his office). He did nothing but harm to our country and now all he has left as an “accomplishment” is being black. Now does it make sense that he clung to and trumpeted his mere skin color all these years? That’s his claim to fame. He hit the political/cultural stage at just the right moment in time and idiotic Americans stepped into the trap.
barack obama or barry soetoro or whoever the hell he is, is no more a president than Chance the Gardener.
I sent a link of this article to my Mom.
After she read it she wrote me back, “No shit.”
Dianny would LOVE my Mom!
This dickwhistle reminds me of Joe Isuzu.
Barry’s narcissistic rage prayfully, will be contained to a tempest in a teacup. He’s trying his imbalanced best to start a war with Russia and harbor as nany terrorists as possible in the U.S. so he can declare Martial Law. Thank God the Russians think Barry’s a joke and we still have the second amendment. January 20th can’t get here fast enough.
That little commie school in Indonesia from which Jugears got expelled didn’t give diplomas. more like toilet paper, with marks a lot on it between the ripping. Fookin Fakier.
Does anyone here think that obama writes his own tweets?
The jerk can hardly talk.
On January 20th Trump will start tweeting how he is recinding almost all of obamas EO’s, I don’t know how long it will take for him to get rid of them but he will do it. If obama wants a tweet war good luck to him.
By the time Trump is done with him he will have to release all of his records to prove he ever did anything.
obama will not know what hit him. He’s one dumb sumbitch.
Yep, the stoopid fock woke up the silent
majority. Now they gonna put up with us while
WE drive the bus.
Well let’s add it up.
There’s about 7,000 less Trayvons in Chicago since this Community Organizer got elected by 50 million of the dumbest people in the world.
So I guess it hasn’t been a total loss.
First American-African President. That’s it.
Trump getting elected is the first bad thing that has happened to Obama that he can’t blame on Bush.
“you didn’t build that”!