God Bless America – IOTW Report

God Bless America

John Wayne hosted a show about American History, and then created a montage of the stars of the show singing God Bless America.

Earlier I did a piece about not exactly having my world shattered by the passing of a celebrity. Maybe because today’s celebrities would consider doing such a thing anachronistic.


ht/ Moe Tom

25 Comments on God Bless America

  1. Writers in Hollywood today can’t write the dialog of early America.
    Actors today are self centered and too pussyfied to ride a horse, let alone inspire anything good.
    Thank God there were great people that made plenty of great movies in Hollywood’s heyday.

  2. Dennis Weaver, Tom Smothers, and others were big time democrats then. But back then even the democrat party still had the best interest of the country at heart. Today’s Democrat party is hell bent on destruction of our country and our way of life. They deserve to be dealt with in any means necessary to stop their assault on our country.

  3. brad, good catch, and i think part of the the miracle of the 2016 election is that trump woke up many of the old time democrats who were still democrats by habit and brought them out of the darkness where they could see again

  4. @Bad_Brad: “Quite a collection of true Americans there.”
    You hit it, nothing to do with celebrity. “True Americans,” that happen to be popular entertainers of the day. Ann Margret & Glen Campbell still living.

    Red Skelton on the pledge of allegiance is quite moving as well. I’ll let you all search it, but it is in my permanent file for my grandkids when they’re old enough.

    And who can forget John Wayne and, “America, Why I love her.” I wouldn’t have a dry face when they would play that when my kid was presenting the colors at High School Rodeo on her horse, and followed by the National Anthem.

  5. Tommy, I’d beat his ass for free. And he won’t get it until somebody does kick his ass. Maybe he can call Jason Bourne to help him out. I really am starting to believe these ass holes are buying into the rolls they’ve played.

  6. Gratitude and Humility are missing in Hollywood, Washington DC and with many families.
    They have vilified God, mocked Jesus, embraced socialist causes and dictators, rewritten History (if they teach it at all), taken over the school systems, kicked Christianity out, and academia is filled with socialist social justice warriors, ignored the Constitution or believe it is a living document, the don’t serve the Nation, they serve themselves, their ideology and their personal agendas. The end always justifies the means…..if they get what they want.
    We’ll hear their screams, whining and protests for the next 8 years.
    Hail Diversity and open borders ….. we’ll end as did Rome.

  7. Brad. Clooney is a rotter to be sure. But John Wayne was a mensch. And, of course, I loved Maureen O’Hara. She passed away last year at age 95 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. RIP.
    BTW. Back in the 70s I had a pint or two in Pat Cohan’s Bar in Cong, Co. Mayo, where “The Quiet Man” was filmed.
    Happy New Year Bro. MAGA.

  8. Tommy, Dang you were in that bar? That’s like holly ground. John Wayne, Ward Bond, and Jim Arnez use to frequent Ensinada. Their favorite watering hole was Husongs. A little adobe bar. I had the opportunity to track it down about 20 years ago. It was a tourist trap, but hanging on the walls were a ton of pictures with the three and a few with John Ford. They use to motor down there on Wayne’s boat. Wayne loved the ocean and loved Mex women.

  9. The Smothers Brothers’ father was a graduate of West Point. They grew up on Army bases, but never really knew their father, who was captured by the Japanese in the Philippines. He endured three years of wretched captivity, but was killed when an American submarine sank the Hell Ship he was being transported on near the end of the war. I think that my have influenced their political beliefs during the Vietnam War.

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