If He Was Black… – IOTW Report

If He Was Black…


Utah police have released bodycam footage of the shooting death of 25-year-old Chase Allan, an armed law student who was killed on March 1 after refusing to comply with police commands or give his information. 

Allan, who claims to be a sovereign citizen, was stopped by police for having an illegitimate license plate. ‘Sovereign citizens’ do not believe they are bound by federal or state law. 

The 25-year-old refused to give officers his license, or even give his name.  

‘I am not giving you jurisdiction. Do not detain. You are not allowed to stop me,’ he told one of the officers.

When cops eventually pulled the door of his vehicle open, they immediately saw Allan’s weapon. 

Farmington Police Chief Eric Johnsen told reporters during a news conference Wednesday that officers opened fire after Allan reached downward to what they feared could be a holster or gun.

He acknowledged the footage was unclear about what happens just before the shooting because body cameras are obstructed by the car door and an officer leaning in to grab Allan. 


Sovereign Citizens are nutso.

21 Comments on If He Was Black…

  1. From the traffic stop videos I have seen on the internet, it would seem that the sovereign citizen movement has a strong following in the black community. Something the SPLC spokesperson left out.

    There is a sovereign citizen in my neighborhood. He makes his life so unnecessarily complicated. His lawyer makes a lot of money off him. He’s a nice guy but he doesn’t question anything that supports his philosophy and refuses to consider anything that counters it. I guess that’s where most people are now.

  2. “… body cameras are obstructed by the car door and an officer leaning in to grab Allan.”
    Ain’t that convenient?
    Straight up murder by the cops.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There is a large, and growing first amendment audit community on youtube. I watch a lot of these and 9 times out of 10 the cops are in the wrong and violate someone’s rights. But traffic stops are a whole different animal. When you are stopped for a traffic violation you MUST provide your driver’s license, you have no Fourth Amendment protections in this regard, and this is where these idiots fall short.

    I’d have more respect for these sovereign citizens if they just stayed on their prepper farms and kept to themselves, but they want it both ways.

    Most of these shooting posts I am critical of the cops but this was a good shoot all the way around. My only beef would be in their training. They are taught that when deadly force is required you shoot to eliminate the threat. I probably counted wrong but I thought I heard at least 27 shots fired. A bad look, for sure.

  4. Hmmmm…

    The only time I’m unarmed is when I’m wearing the “security officer’s uniform.”

    My attitude when carrying is one of compliance and not putting on my “ass hole hat.” If I’m confronted by someone wearing his ass hole hat and also armed I’m going to be looking for avoidance which is not an option for the cop. Seems like the limited amount of exposure I’ve had to the ‘Sovereign Citizens’ stuff has always “gone south” for the Sovereign Citizen.

    You’re carrying a large caliber pistol and surrounded by cops who also have weapons. What type of mental illness tells you to be a an uncooperative and spout this sovereign citizen crap to the point of getting yourself shot?

    Even someone with the IQ of Pedo Joe knows this is the wrong venue to take.

    You roll the window completely down (maybe less if it’s raining) keep your hands at 10 & 2 and when the officer gets to the window (probably the other side so roll that one down when you see him/her there), again with the hands at 10 & 2, “I have a carry permit and am armed, how would you like to proceed?” Then follow his directions (Within reason as I’ve only been stopped once and been in the situation for the cop to be an ass hole himself. He wasn’t.) He will ask you where the gun is or in my case multiple guns. When asking for the ID’s you tell them where they are located and how you will access them if he tells you to do so. Good idea to have the insurance card and license together in the cup holder for easy access if you’re going to be carrying.

    Easy peasy nobody gets shot. Driving an unregistered vehicle is asking to get pulled over and spewing your rehearsed sovereign bullshit is getting you the bracelets and a ride in his back seat at a minimum.

    Maybe Chris Rock could do a video on how not to get your sovereign citizen ass shot.

  5. Anonymous MARCH 9, 2023 AT 7:17 PM
    They saw a gun and opened fire. Over-reaction. Don’t back bad cops.

    I believe I would be saying I saw him reaching for the gun…

  6. Mag Dump Madness. Civilians are responsible for every round that leaves their gun. Appearantly cops not so much. These morons should take some tactical self defense classes. You constantly hear, watch your back drop. Not a very good back drop to be emptying your plastic gun towards. Not to mention the dumb shits were standing in each other firing lanes. I’m surprised couple of them didn’t get shot. Best example of a circular firing squad I’ve seen in a while.
    I think this all could have been avoided had the cop asked one very standard question that’s asked these days. Sir, are you armed?
    Makes you wonder how long they would have kept shooting had not the first cop yelled cease fire. A pretty heavy price to pay for a bad plate.

  7. Haven’t commented on how the cops handled the situation. Setting that aside…

    The kid would still be sucking air had he not handled HIMSELF the way he did. My responsibility is to myself and acting appropriately. You carry, you damn well better handle yourself correctly or shit like this can happen. You wouldn’t see my pieces in a traffic stop, but I’d be informing you just the same.

    With all the defund the police and anti-cop sentiment that’s out there, most of the good ones have left or are marking time till they can take their retirement. What’s left? All the more reason to accept a larger share of acting appropriately when interfacing with them. It’s a rare occasion that I’ve been pulled over, but again I say act appropriately and you won’t even be seeing a citation. Decades since I got a ticket.

    Maybe my experiences are contrary to everyone else’s, But it’s been a very very long time since I had Officer Friendly with an attitude and even that time no citation.

  8. Went back and reread, watched it again. At 25 I too had the maturity of a 15 year old. Still, I never back sassed the cops. They had radios and night sticks.

    “Armed Law Student” Well that tells this prejudiced person even more as to why he thought it a good idea to proffer his superior knowledge with the lowly ignorant cop.

    Hey, he was going to be a Liar lawyer and decide to try his case right then and there. He lost.

  9. My dad told me when I was about 6 years old: You only get to kill yourself once. If you are going to do something stupid enough to get yourself killed, the reward better be worth it.

  10. I’ve been pulled over more than a few times, most of the time I deserved a citation for a traffic offense. More times than not I left with a friendly reminder, a warning citation or a citation for a lesser offense.

  11. well cops shoot a motorist who will not comply due to their fear of his non compliance.

    while on the west coast, people can enter walgreens stores and load up with garbage bags of store stock in broad daylight and they are just left to wander out of the store.

  12. Well, if he was black, a gofundme would be set up, a sleazy high profile lawyer would represent the family so they could get “paid”. BLM and Antifa terrorists group would be weaponized to attack white people and cause disruptions. Ad nauseam media coverage with a leftist viewpoint. A street or official day would be created on behalf or the perp because most likely the do nuffin perp represents a “victim” of so-called police brutally and white privilege (leftist narrative) despite an obvious role the perp played in their own demise.

    Since the perp who made a poor decision, in this case was white and killed by white cops, nothing extra ordinary will happen.
    Except there will be a constant reminder by the leftist media the young man was part of a cult, Sovereign Citizens which they will label racist.

  13. God damned sovereign citizen bullshark. Based on a phony constitutional amendment that was conveniently destroyed by the British during the War of 1812. Used by unreconstructed Confederate traitors after the Civil War. They will reject any court action if the flag has a gold fringe around (Admiralty court). My sister went to jail because her 1st husband was a SC who refused to pay state property tax.


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