If Hillary were to win and die, who is Tim Kaine? – IOTW Report

If Hillary were to win and die, who is Tim Kaine?

The Hill-

According to the mediaTim Kaine took a life transforming “mission” trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the radical reality of the Cold War in Latin America and Tim Kaine’s Soviet sympathizing mentors. In fact, whatever Kaine’s intentions, he more likely met Karl Marx than Jesus Christ while there.

Connect the dots with a little history, and an alarming picture emerges of Kaine’s adventures with radicals and revolutionaries in 1980s Latin America.

Reports indicate that in Honduras, “Mr. Kaine embraced an interpretation of the gospel, known as liberation theology…”

This wasn’t mainstream “Catholic thought” at the time. It was a radical, Marxist-based ideology at odds with the Church, the pope, and the United States, but supportive of (and supported by) the Soviet Union.

To counter Vatican opposition to this theology, now published documents from the Soviet and East German archives show “active measures” were undertaken to undermine the Vatican and the pope — key barriers to a Soviet influence in Latin America.

The documents are detailed in books by former Associated Press Berlin bureau chief, John Koehler and the Mitrokhin Archive data published by Cambridge University Professor Christopher Andrew.

Tim Kaine’s political formation wasn’t pro-American or pro-Catholic, it was pro-Soviet.


You’re not necessarily voting for Hillary. You very well can be voting for this marxist moron.

ht/ c. steven tucker

20 Comments on If Hillary were to win and die, who is Tim Kaine?

  1. One shudders at the possibility of this miscarriage in the whitehut. The only reason I can see for his being the #2 to her Thighness is it was Soros’s pick from the get-go. That evil old jew traitor nazi Soros won’t stop until he does to us what he did to the Jews in Hitler’s Germany. Interpole needs to find and remove this bastard.

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