If I Could Ask Joe One Question.. – IOTW Report

If I Could Ask Joe One Question..

I think some things are so simple that it perplexes me how others cannot see it, hear it, know it.

Here is one that just floors me, and it’s astounding no one asks this question of Joe Biden.

(The man is an abject dunce and could easily be twisted up into knots if people just simplified their points.)

Joe Biden- “I don’t know a thing about Hunter’s business dealings.”

Also Joe Biden- “Hunter has never made a dime from China.”

Me – “Hey Joe-kass. If you don’t know a thing about Hunter’s business dealings, how do you know he never made a dime from China?”

Joe – “You’re a dog-faced pony soldier.”


What would you ask Joe?

32 Comments on If I Could Ask Joe One Question..

  1. Was Ashley out of diapers the first time you forced her to suck your dick?
    (I don’t mean not wearing her diapers at that moment, but old enough to be potty-trained)
    How old was Hunter the first time?

    That’s actually two questions, but they are related (heh, heh, heh).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is good. Apparently the Navy band has a subtle sense of humor. When Peter Doocy was asking his question of Biden yesterday the band was playing a John Philip Sousa’s Liberty Bell March which happens to be the theme song for Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

    Coincidence? Doubtful.

  3. As the sorriest and stupidest pile of shit to ever befoul the Senate and WH, and the goofiest talking, pant shittingest, crookedest lying asshole of a pedo, do you like moon pies?

  4. “Do you have a favorite feces color or consistency for finger-painting?”

    No, scratch that. I don’t really want to know. How ’bout:

    “Really? Nobody ever told you how delicious fly agaric mushrooms are?”

  5. “Hey Joe-kass. If you don’t know a thing about Hunter’s business dealings, how do you know he never made a dime from China?”

    “Because he told me he dint, fat.”

  6. John Zonk, beau biden was a criminal too

    who was the deleware AG when larry sinclair was charged for speaking out about his fling with bathhouse barry? beau biden

    i would like to ask dr jill why she allowed her husband to take showers with her little girl

  7. You have called 0bama “big guy” many times. Is he the “Big guy” who got the 10%?

    Your son Hunter ranted to his daughter about having to give you 50% AND pay your bills.

    Did 0bama’s 10% come from Hunter’s cut?

  8. “Do you pledge to get rid of ANY form of “fossil fuel” that exists in ANY state whatsoever in your daily life?”

    “Do you pledge to use only renewable sources of energy such as wind & solar in your daily life?”

    Airforce One enters the chat…


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