If I Were the Devil – Paul Harvey – IOTW Report

If I Were the Devil – Paul Harvey

Originally aired in 1965. This was posted just a year ago, but we sure could afford to listen to it again.

h/t Dadof4

15 Comments on If I Were the Devil – Paul Harvey

  1. I was born that year and it’s been all downhill after that..it gets Progressively WORSE by the year.

    C, I NEVER tire of his voice…knowledge and pure wisdom…

  2. I have a friend in Kali that denies everything of this nature. With a mocking tone he says something like: “When is this all supposed to happen? (N.W.O.) I’ll believe it when I see it.”

    Me: That will be too late. It’s happening right now. You are voting for it too. How can you not see it? Is it that you have no other reality to compare it to?

    He’s so surrounded by all the lefty mentality he doesn’t see things with any clarity. Worse than rose-colored glasses – it’s more like brain washing to live in L.A. so long.

    He’s headed for hell and that makes me sad. He actually leads a more moral life than a lot of people I know here in Texas.

  3. Full Auto MARCH 10, 2021 AT 6:25 PM

    The devil is on the loose

    Yes. Of course he is. God gave him rule over the Earth for this time. He gets to do whatever he wants to fool as many as possible to end up in hell with him.

    I suspect it is all about God’s way of weeding those who refuse to worship Him.

    Everyone hears the Gospel. Rejecting the offer of eternal life will end up with the gnashing of your teeth knowing you deserve what you are experiencing. That you said “No” to God Himself. That you willfully refused the easiest invitation with the highest reward possible.

  4. One of my favorite people of all time. I believe I told you I cried the day he died. Funny how you can cry for someone you never met.

    He was so full of wisdom that was worth every word he spoke.

    God Bless us all.

  5. If I were the Debil….I’d be kicking up my feet on a beach in Aruba.

    My services aren’t needed. Humans seem perfectly capable of hellish behavior on their own.


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