If it ain’t fake news, it’s the news being punked – IOTW Report

If it ain’t fake news, it’s the news being punked

ABC broke in with breaking news about a dramatic mountain rescue.

Someone desperately spelled out a message in the rocks.

“Send Nudes Please.”

What they called a rescue by the police was probably an arrest. lol

Baba Booey.


10 Comments on If it ain’t fake news, it’s the news being punked

  1. I’m laughing because, “STORIES THAT MATTER” —- And then pranksters wrote Please, but spelled it PLZ. As if a person in trouble is really trying to be calm and polite, hoping you wouldn’t mind saving him.

  2. Anybody know why Drudge keeps linking these Mike Prnce stories that imply he’s distancing himself from Trump? Seems kinda odd. Every time I hear Pence speak he defends Trump and the agenda. Does Drudge have an axe to grind with Pence or is it just me?

  3. I think Drudge is trying to get lefties to click on his stories. Honestly, I haven’t been there for a few months. I got tired of him linking to magazines that you find in the checkout lane at the grocery stores.

  4. I think Drudge is exposing the pattern of the Lefties claiming lots of turmoil within the Administration, the whole Administration about to be replaced. I know I’ve read half a dozen times that Priebus will be replaced by the 4th of July – hasn’t happened yet (but there is still a day left).
    And, surprisingly, none of it is true.

  5. @MJA–also tired of Drudge linking to articles that are behind a paywall. I wish he, if that is what he is doing, would not cater to the lefties. It has decreased my traffic to his site.

  6. I enjoyed seeing this video since I do not watch the t.v.. news. Cowles Mountain gets rescue calls regularly. A dog died from heat exhaustion last fall. People think they can hike in the middle of a hot day with no water then feel faint and call for emergency rescue. The city has to first send a helicopter to locate the person, then a few vehicles. Wonder who will be stuck with the bill this time?

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