If it waddles like a duck… – IOTW Report

If it waddles like a duck…

39 Comments on If it waddles like a duck…

  1. For someone who looked like they were Death’s door last year, she seems to be hobbling around pretty well. A little too well to suit me, frankly. No health distractions can only bode ill for the rest of us.

  2. Makes me sick that my tax dollars pay for her secret service protection. Also very funny how the actual story talks about this fat old cow as if she is some sort of fashion plate, referring to her “navy ensemble” as if the tent she is wearing is right off the fashion show runway. Laughable. I have it on good authority that Hillary smells HORRIBLE. A friend of a friend, a wealthy lib, met with her several times and reported that every time he met with her, she smelled worse than the last. Her odor made him gag. He still voted for that stinker, tho.

  3. Wonder what the Secret Service guys did wrong and are being punished by being put on the Hillary detail. Poor schlubs. Can’t imagine anyone taking a bullet for that ill bred, fat ass, America hating, pathological lying, career criminal, bitch. Oops. There I go again, getting all carried away. She may not be ill bred.

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