If it’s not too personal to ask, what are you thankful for in 2016? – IOTW Report

If it’s not too personal to ask, what are you thankful for in 2016?

I’m thankful for this community we’ve built. It’s gotten a lot of people through tough times, myself included.


Claudia is thankful for what doesn’t kill her… it makes her stronger-stronger

55 Comments on If it’s not too personal to ask, what are you thankful for in 2016?

  1. I am thankful for my wonderful family and almost 20 months of my beautiful grandson.
    I am thankful that the sleeping giant fully awoke.
    I am thankful for the wonderful friendships I have made through this site since 2009.

  2. All the usual stuff of course, my family, my health, etc.
    Around the table today, my mom and dad said they still wake up with that sense of relief that they had on Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016.
    My parents are big-time Trump supporters, not so much for themselves, but for their children and grandchildren. I am thankful they got to see Trump win!

  3. I’m thankful for my white privilege.
    I’m thankful for the preemptive impeachment of Hillary Clinton.
    I’m thankful for warm weather.
    I’m thankful for family.
    I’m thankful for my chihuahua Roxy.
    I’m thankful for the iotw community, back together again after a rough primary. 🙂

  4. That God loves me in spite of me and my ways, the family and friends, Trump, our country, TCH, Drudge, and all sites that kept me sane and upbeat this past year. Am thrilled about our next June arrival.

  5. I am thankful that enough Americans were awake to defeat Hillary Clinton.
    I’m thankful for our beautiful friends and family.
    I’m thankful for iotwreport for keeping me sane this year.
    But mostly, I’m thankful that my husband, a cancer patient, is still with me. Thanks be to God.

  6. Trump’s win … obviously

    my kids, my grandkids (none of them have ever been arrested, ever on drugs, ever knocked up, or knocked someone up … knock on wood), & having the good fortune to be born in the USA, which gave me the opportunities I would never have had in any other country ….

    … but most of all, the greatest decision I ever made …. to marry She Who Must Be Obeyed! that gave me all I ever needed.

  7. I am thankful for the joy in the hearts of all Americans, everywhere (but especially here), and the deep relief they feel that we got our country back.

    I am very thankful for the efforts of BFH and everyone who contributes to the running of IOTWr, even if he posts pictures of a roast turkey with human-looking breasts.

    I am very thankful that God has turned his face back to our country and that I live in America.

    I thankful for my family and that I do not live alone with no loved ones near.

    And I am thankful for Loco, who makes me laugh — and that he lives all the way across the country. 🙂

  8. And my tea party friends in around Richmond. These are deep friendships formed in 2009 that will last a lifetime. Actually it goes before that with ace of spades moron meetups but all of these people are dear to me.

  9. I’m thankful for the grace from my God, I’m so undeserving.

    I’m thankful for my awesome family.

    I’m thankful for my amazing new job, great people, great company.

    I’m thankful that freedom once again seems to be alive and growing.

  10. I am thankful I was not alone on Thanksgiving. God called my husband of 25 years home on November 13 but I was surrounded by friends today even though I have no family here.
    Cast your bread upon the waters and the kindness you show others will return to you ten fold.

  11. I am thankful that we have true hope & change in our future.

    @jclady – Our 18 month old grandson is here for the Thanksgiving Holiday. I look at him and believe the future is his, if I teach him the right way (even though his parents are screaming LA Libtards).

    I am thankful and grateful for the staff at iotwreport for being my “safe place.”

  12. This life, in America, with all the strangeness and wonder.
    I am especially grateful for every young man and woman, out there in foreign lands and here in America, standing on the perimeter.
    And Angus the dog, who fixed the problem of Poor Lazlo telling lots of jokes, but not laughing himself.

  13. Today, I’m thankful for my parents who have been married for 64.5 years (married June 1, 1952) and being able to make Thanksgiving dinner for them today. It may be my Mom’s last Thanksgiving, she is 91 and may not be around much longer and my Dad is 87 and holding his own for now. Mostly I’m thankful for God’s grace over nearly 64 years, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for his grace none of which I deserved. And to be an American with a great future for myself, my 3 children and my grandchildren now that obummer and hellary are gone. May God bless us all.

  14. I am thankful for family and friends who loved me when I didn’t love myself.

    I am thankful for divine appointments and guidance.

    I am grateful that all my life’s tests, trials, tribulations and burdens became blessings in disguise.

  15. I am thankful that my husband made it through another stay in the ICU and is still with me. I don’t know what I would do without him. I know God is in charge but I need my husband to stay a while longer. I am thankful that we were blessed with the most wonderful special needs son (in spite of Rosie’s spitefulness). I am thankful beyond words that Trump won and that my stomach is not hurting for the first time in years. Lastly, like others have stated, I am thankful for IOTWReports. It is wonderful for me to read that it has gotten other people through rough times and likewise here. I don’t know any of you but I am so grateful for ALL of you!

  16. Life, one I almost lost this year but didn’t. Liberty, that we almost lost this year but didn’t. Pursuit of Happiness: Let’s. Now.
    And iotwreport and all its commenters who keep me connected, sane, and amused.

  17. For having to think: “my God, where do I start?” Survived so much. Seen so much despair around the world. Too many friends to count, thousands of you I’ve never even met. Such a large and wonderful family. Beans and rice paid for and piggy bank filling up. Health better than some. Wisdom. Christ’s love, generosity, understanding, encouragement, and forgiveness.

  18. @ This Texan, my sympathies on the recent loss of your husband. I am glad you are with friends and hope you have many wonderful memories to sustain you as you grieve.

    I am grateful God loves me even when I am a horse’s patoot.

    Grateful to be alive because I should be dead about 10 times over.

    Grateful to have a purpose in life.

    Grateful the bleeping Labrynthitis is going away. Or however it’s spelled.

    Grateful that DJT won the election and America will be great again.

    Grateful for all the things I’ve learned here at IOTW and all the people who have provided insight, knowledge, laughs and compassion.

    Grateful to BFH and Company for creating IOTW and letting me take part.

  19. So many things to be grateful for. Salvation, Grace, Spouses, Children. Impossible to name them all. Really.

    As for this bunch of whiney, bitchy losers here, you help me get throug the day. Thanks. I am also grateful that when I kept saying “Trumps Got This” that I was right.

  20. I’m thankful Mr. Illustr8r and I are now”stable” *knock wood* with health issues that hit us upside the head in 2013. I’m thankful I get to draw pictures for a living and still have the energy to meet deadlines. I’m thankful I knew my dearest friend Doris who passed away 6 years ago on Thanksgiving Day-which makes this day sad and melancholy. I’m thankful for all of the unmet friends on iOTW who make me laugh, cry and think every day. What would I do without you! It’s good to have a safe place to land. 🙂

  21. I’m grateful for a daughter in law who knows how to cook a great Thanksgiving dinner. I ate so much I passed out on the couch.

    I am really grateful for all of the above comments I just read. You guys are all awesome. And I’m sorry to hear about the hardships and losses. It is so great to have a place like this where real friends can get together and help each other make it through the rough times.
    You guys have helped me through countless rough times. I don’t get this anywhere else. This is the place for me.
    And I am thankful for BigFurHat and all the crew at iOTWreport for making this possible.

    I see God Blessing America again. Don’t ever stop praying.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  22. I am thankful there are many others (and possibly many more we don’t know about) who express such lovely sentiments as one written above: “I am thankful most for Jesus Christ, who saw fit to save a wretch like me.”

    I am so grateful for my sweet little boy, who teaches me something important every day, and who seemed to have been guided to God in a mysterious way, and then came back for me. I am also so thankful that despite the challenges we’ve been through together, we are still together, are so very close, he does so well in school and loves to learn.

    For all those who came before us, lived and struggled to pass to us a better life.

    I am so grateful for the ability (well, most of the time) to laugh at myself and be around people in real and online (such as in this group) who mean so much to me, my country, my faith in God, who support me and so often go out of their way for the benefit of myself and others.

    I am so grateful to be in pretty good health, to have survived a car accident a few years back (my biggest fear, leaving my boy alone in the world), that my injuries are healing and I’m getting stronger. So grateful for the most part to be able to navigate through life and not get overwhelmed in the various systems, and to have help when I do.

    I am so thankful to have a roof over my head, a cozy bed to sleep in and men and women who will stay awake at night to keep my country and family safe. I am so thankful Trump won the election, and for the release of the built-in tension I hadn’t realized, up until the day after the election, that existed within me. I prayed so often for God to have mercy on our country and please help us, and I am so grateful He has answered these prayers in our favor.

    So grateful for those who record stories, real or imagined, their own or others’, fiction or historical, lovely and brutal. For those who spend their lives in labs struggling to find cures for diseases, who are good people who try to make the world better and want to give me a role in serving others as well.

    So thankful to have so much to be thankful for and each day on this earth that reminds me of how much I forgot to list.

    God bless and Happy Thanksgiving to all xxx

  23. I’m Thankful for 43 years of life, starting with my mother who passed 26 years ago in the early hours the day after Thanksgiving, my 98 year old grandmother who passed this year, my father who left 9 years ago after my now 10 year old’s first birthday, my wife of 16 years, my oldest son soon to be 13, my older brother (who comments here also) and his wife, their 2 kids, and their house they opened up to our family for Thanksgiving again this year. Blessed enough to share it in good health with friends, neighbors and dogs under a bright DJT future with the ability to share on this great site. Sorry for the late comment, but hey I’ve been digesting.

  24. Very thankful for my friends and family. Their support in all the crazy things I do means so much. Of course I have to mega ditto IOTWREPORT and all the great peeps here. Always the first blog I check during the day, usually the last of the day and about 20 times inbetween! It’s great to see so many like-minded people helps keep my sanity in this California-Lite place I call New Jersey.

    Plus I thank God oodles and oodles that Hillary was not elected! 🙂

  25. I am greatful knowing the Republic has been given a respite from total destruction. Trump gives me hope.

    God Bless America! Greatful to all who showed up to vote for Trump!

    Greatful for old friend and family.

  26. I’m thankful that the end of the horrible Age of Obamic Terror is nearly over. I’m thankful there were enough of us to make that happen.

    I’m thankful for the IOTWr contributors and all the people who comment here for helping me see a way through both political and personal times of great stress. You all rock and I’m happy to “know” you. 🙂

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